To this: [code]echo 'TabClass($this->CurrentTab, $Tab['Value']).' id="Menu'.$Tab['Text'].'">[code]
Then changed in the vanilla.css of Ocean the corresponding #Discussions to #MenuDiscussions.... etc..
I did a few other changes, so might be more to do to get it to work (like moving the padding from the li to the UL) - Check it out SO far.... still working on fixing it up. It's most likely going to become a theme on it's own, instead of just a style, to accommodate the old features it had, with the new...
I'm sure it can be done with all new and as just a style, but it'll be easier first to hack it together, then clean it up.
BTW, the website is still a work in progress..... so pardon it's appearance!
lech, what other changes (than mentioned by mini and mervelous) need to be made for Vanilla 1.1.2? I've got this running on my Vanilla test forum right now and it seems to work just fine. I have included the two changes (to the tabled THEME) mentioned above, so what's missing?
Hi Guys,
I need some help configuring this theme. The images above the header come up in firefox but it does not show up in Internet Explorer. I just tried some tips and tricks posted here.
Any Help on fixing the header issue would be great. You can look at what exactly i am talking at my forum
Changed this:
[code]echo 'TabClass($this->CurrentTab, $Tab['Value']).'>[code]
To this:
[code]echo 'TabClass($this->CurrentTab, $Tab['Value']).' id="Menu'.$Tab['Text'].'">[code]
Then changed in the vanilla.css of Ocean the corresponding #Discussions to #MenuDiscussions.... etc..
I did a few other changes, so might be more to do to get it to work (like moving the padding from the li to the UL) - Check it out SO far.... still working on fixing it up. It's most likely going to become a theme on it's own, instead of just a style, to accommodate the old features it had, with the new...
I'm sure it can be done with all new and as just a style, but it'll be easier first to hack it together, then clean it up.
BTW, the website is still a work in progress..... so pardon it's appearance!
Anyone had feel like bundling all the changes up for this and getting an updated release on this?