
edited April 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help


  • Uploaded version 1.0 of Tabled.
  • Great one, THANK YOU.
  • Uploaded version 1.0 of Tabled.
  • Added a little fix, where sticky's resulted in errors (because of a change in DiscussionPrefix function)
  • Uploaded version 1.0 of Tabled.
  • ouch.. It also occured in the comments theme file.. :)
  • this is pretty close to perfect in my eyes, and i'd really love to use it, but there is one thing about vanilla i always liked that this does away with: the way discussions themselves are displayed. i rather like the way vanilla has the avatar, with username to the right, and when the comment was added to the right of that, with the options over on the right hand side. because vanilla already has a sidebar, i'd rather not use up more horizontal space putting this stuff to the left. i figured this wouldn't be too big a deal, just swap some styles, but a closer look shows that since the structure is vastly different, it'd be harder than it looked at first glance. so my question is, is there any way i can use the tabled theme for the discussion list view, but retain the default vanilla layout for the discussions themselves? thanks:)
  • Just delete the comments.php file that came with the theme. It will automatically be replaced with the original one. And you'll have to copy the Comments CSS from the original style.css to the tabled style.css.

    * delete ../themes/tabled/comments.php
    * copy ../themes/vanilla/styles/default/vanilla.css ---> ../themes/tabled/styles/default/vanilla.css (just the Comment section(s))
  • fantastic, i knew it was probably something simple i'd overlooked! many thanks.
  • hmmmmm I'm considering porting over the YH Beta style to this theme.

    I love the YH look, but dislike the discussion listing.
  • @adrian - if you could do that, that would be swell. i was giving it a go earlier, and while i'm not terrible with CSS, i'm no expert, and i've too much schoolwork/work on my plate to really go at it in earnest for a while. i managed to hack together a more streamlined view, with just the 3 columns that YH uses, but retained all the info by putting it in little bylines (ie: categories go underneath thread titles, number of new comments goes under the comment counter, and the time since the last post goes under the last poster's name). if could probably upload my modified theme files, and my .css as well (mostly default with a few of the YHBeta! stuff thrown in). mine's not set to use tabled's discussion view, as you might have guessed from my posts above, but everything else might be of use to you.
  • It is so great theme, I like it
  • Uploaded version 1.1 of Tabled.
  • Made it XHTML valid:
    - Moved TableWrapper outside panel/foot templates
    - Removed width attribute from td, and added PanelColum + ContentColumn classes instead
    - #Icon is now #Icon_(DiscussionID)
  • As long as the design is based on tables, why not go all the way and have the theme validate as HTML 4 Strict instead? ;D THAT'D be "oldschool".
  • I really need this theme. Is this supposed to work with 1.1.2? I'm having problems with it. Everything is pushed to the right. I'm using Firefox 1.5.0. Is it incomptible with this? What about certain extensions?
  • I would also like to know the compatibility with extension. Since I switched over to the tabled layout - preview post and spell checker are not working. Spell checker appear ok - but doesn't find any misspellings when their obviously are some.
  • Doesn't the XHTML Specification say tables are supposed to be used for tabular data rather than page layout?
This discussion has been closed.