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Guest Post

Guest Post
As with all things I develop, I dont expect it to work. But I think it does and should. Please try it out see if you can make it freak out or get past it. Post any bugs (and fixes, if possible) in here and I'll take a look when I get chance.
Remember, it's free. I've done these changes cause I was stupid enough to get bored and not decide on my bed as the best plan of action. If it dont work dont shoot!
It needs a little tidying up cosmetically but it works...
I love the polite message...
Posted: Thursday, 15 March 2007 at 1:56PM (AEDT)
See my mods here and feel free to test it.
Thanks sincerely mate great work and quickly too, now go get some sleep.
I hope this puts a spanner in the SPAMbots' works.
Posted: Thursday, 15 March 2007 at 2:26PM (AEDT)
It's easy enough to modify the look of it, I have also added more codes, eventually I want at least 50 random codes, that should keep the suckers away.
Posted: Friday, 16 March 2007 at 8:12AM (AEDT)
Over 24 hours since GuestPost on steroids was installed, not one SPAM message has gotten through!
Posted: Friday, 16 March 2007 at 11:21AM (AEDT)
Adding NOTHING as a user name causes
$DiscussionForm->Comment->Body = "<strong>".$DisplayName.":</strong><br /><br />".$DiscussionForm->Comment->Body;
to leave an empty line with just a bold ':'My ideal implementation:
If NICKNAME functionality is to be retained, rename 'Username' field to Nickname (and hide 'Password' field)
If not required, remove the username/password completely (like W) and insert a simple text ABOVE the comment box, e.g. 'Registered users please login before posting...' (links to people.php)
Move the anti-spam image BELOW the comment box, BEFORE the buttons, and use smaller & prettier anti-spam images (but I think I can change that myself)
Idea: FORCE publication of IP address in Guest Comment to avoid abuse?
Idea: LIMIT posting to XX posts per hour as guest from same IP address... After XX limit is fulfilled prompt user to register or wait 1 hour.
Yes, the username/password fields take up too much space, I hid them.
I couldn't work out the nickname thing, I ignored it.
Display the IP address? If it was an option I guess I'd use it.
Prettier images? I'm deeply hurt :-)
Limiting posts? Overkill.
Move image below comment box? That makes sense.
CAPTCHA. I think this gadget should avoid using this name, it's a similar concept but not CAPTCHA.
Posted: Sunday, 18 March 2007 at 7:56AM (AEDT)
Both IP display and posting limits suggestion are 'means to an end':
IMHO guest posts, though convenient, are rarely good for a community in the long run
1 - Makes discussions more difficult to follow
2 - Allows/supports abuse/spam
3 - Allows 'drive-by posting' -> which leads to 'orphaned discussions', i.e. 'guest' asks question, community members answer, guest never returns
4 - Often lead to more admin overhead (difficult to 'clean' after abuse)
Hence I'm strongly in favor of anything that PROMOTE/INCREASE registrations.
Showing IP addresses is one way (non-anonymity, just register to avoid)
Posting limits another (annoyance factor, register to avoid)
Note: the latter could be implemented with JS/cookies too (simpler/quicker).
Cheerio, and thanks for the update!
is allowed, if only to prevent frustration of entering long comment only to be denied...
Not sure if you meant for me to describe this or include actual code, but here goes:
Check for availability of cookie functions (place test cookie, read test cookie) (No ) -> Alert user and disallow guest posting (or simply don't display at all, without notice) (Yes) -> Check for availability of last-posted cookie (No ) -> Place Last-Posted cookie (date/time-stamp or encoded date/time-stamp) -> Display guest post options (i.e. continue) (Yes) -> Read Last-Posted cookie (date/time-stamp or decoded date/time-stamp) Date Today? (No ) -> Clear last-posted cookie and Display guest post options (i.e. continue) (Yes) -> Read post-count cookie. Post-count reached max? (No ) -> increase counter, update post count cookie -> Display guest post options (i.e. continue) (Yes) -> Don't display guest post options (i.e. HIDE) -> Alert user of need to register(*) -> Display link to registration form. (*) "This forum limits guests to XX posts per day. Please register, it only takes a minute."
Prefer simple cookie implementation as it requires only local storage (no database calls etc.).
Isn't this the case already?
--Posting limits.
These are available already in general settings?
--Everything else...
Please keep this add-on simple, it does one thing simply and effectively, over-complicating it defeats the purpose.
Posted: Sunday, 18 March 2007 at 12:25PM (AEDT)