This would be sweet...

edited November 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I wish there was a Ruby to PHP compiler. You program your project in Ruby, and save a lot of time, not to mention maintain readability, and then you convert it all over to PHP to it can be used by as many people as possible.

Is such a thing even possible?


  • I suspect theyre different enough that without making a half-assed job of it it'd be extremely difficult to create. Anything which is designed to hybrid languages in such a way is bound to be insanely complex. Unfortunately, if you want something to work in a certain language you have to write it as such. Just try writing something in french and use babelfish to translate it around. It gets there but it dont make much sense.
  • I see. I just always have random ideas and I'm glad I have a place that I can mention and ask questions about them. :)
  • heh. Indeed. I just like having a place i can blab random shit and theres usually someone bored (hell maybe theyre even interested) enough to reply and keep me entertained for a while :)
  • minisweeper u still at it??? hahaha
  • thats what i love abt vanilla too... its a semi CHAT thingy too! theres a "live" feel to the forums, compared to other ones... esp with the "xx seconds ago" thing to add to the "live feel"
  • There have been sone talks about creating same sort of API than Ruby on Rails has, but I don't even know if it is possible. And there are alot of PHP snobs that don't want anything like that for PHP, for some insane reason or other. But let's continue this at tee.
  • lol, it does have a very 'live' feelign to it. i love it too
  • still at what? I'd be here 24 hours a day if people didnt make me sleep and work :( Communities have to have a chat thing. All work and no play make homer something something... GO CRAZY?!
  • if something like this existed, we would have had it years ago, trust me. :D Zend/PHP would be selling it of course with a huge wizard to pull rabbits out of hats and all that wonderful stuff, sadly, we're not there yet.
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