what pages do which where how?

edited January 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
im having difficulty wandering through the pages trying to find exacly where all the bits and pieces are kept; whether the content i'm looking for is in the database or in a particular page etc.... and i'm trying for the life of me to find somewhere in the wik that documents it but to no avail... anyone got any pointers? (specifically: where is all the html written?)


  • Heh. Basically the files in the root are just php files which build the page you're looking at. The majority of the actual page stuff is in the same filename under the controls dir, and most all the functions/classes it needs are included from the library. I've been a tad confused by the spread out-ness in the past but i guess for software like this to work effectively thats the way it's done. I suppose for developers it would be useful to have a quick comment about each folder and what you'd find in there. Then again, in the next revision all the html will be stripped out the code and put into the theme so... *head spins
  • edited November 2005
    i've sort of been through the controls directory -- while i can find some of it really im just trying to find the place where the div class="Head" is written so I can get in there and add a graphic in to the logo area... i know there's an update coming soon :) but unfortunately i need to be rolling this forum out in the next couple of days so i'm stuck with trying to make this one work... styling is very easy but when it comes to changing structure i'm finding it pretty tough work. im also looking for where the text gets written for the sign in page -- as you say the files in the root directory just set things up but if you look at signin.php inside the controls dir you get more of the same!
  • lee -- i think what you're looking for is definitely in the /controls/Common.Controls.php file. example of edited Common.Controls.php: http://decibelmagazine.com/forum this is a new site i just launched - vanilla is the forum system, and i was able to 'wrap' the forum with extra header and footer info by editing the Common.Controls.php. hope this helps... robert
  • If all you're wanting to do is add a graphic into the head i believe it's possible to do this with an extension but dont quote me on that.
  • ah ha! thanks RFMRobert :D that seems to have the right stuff in it. any thoughts on where the content of the sign in page might be? or the text for the footer?
  • I think that there's a class called externalFoot or something like that in the CommonControls.php file. I'll try to look at the files I put online and see where I had to edit them... The hardest part was finding where those specific parts of pages were composed -- then it was fairly easy to modify it. I'll try to post a follow-up sometime tonight with exactly where I edited the files for sign-up/sign-in.
  • i found part of the footer in CommonControls. but that only seems to be the footer when you're not signed in -- there is a separate footer that gets written when you're logged in with all sorts of links to documentation etc...
  • aha! i found the stuff i needed! most of it was found in the english.php file -- which is perfectly reasonable really :D and the extended footer was also in CommonControls just in a different area. I swear I went through this stuff a thousand times!
  • Heh. As i said i still havent fully got my head round it. I'm sure once you're there everything makes pure perfect sense. But it's just the getting there...
  • well, i really appreciate your help! thanks a lot :)
  • glad you found what you needed. with a bit of poking around, i found the system was really well-thought out. i can't wait to see the next release with additional templating and rss. thank you mark for sharing this project!
  • You can find any text that Vanilla uses in the languages/English.php file. Do a search for "GuestWelcomeBody" and that is what is used for the signup page. You could look aroud in that file for other useful things too (I'm starting the translation for a Japanese version, help is appreciated!)
  • edited November 2005
    great, thanks enderateros! sorry, can't help with japanese :P *edit* found what i was looking for again... really should be more thorough
  • I was wandering... while I was working on my japanese thing, and tried testing it... is there UTF-8 support?..... maybe i got my encodings wrong..... :-(
  • edited November 2005
    It is in UTF8 as far as i'm aware, yes. But you can change the encoding in the appg/headers.php file if you wish.
  • Good luck with your japanese!
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