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User Tasks

edited January 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
User Tasks


  • Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ';' in /***/community/extensions/UserTasks/default.php on line 32
  • works fine for me.

    One thing you could do is change the text when you're viewing your own account page.
    (like "Find all topics started by me," "Find all my comments," etc.)
  • that would help?
  • no, it wouldn't help your problem (it wasn't meant to either); I was just suggesting it for a future release.
  • oh i see
    oh ok
    thanks anyway

    i re downloaded it and enabled it again
    and now it works
  • useful extention

    I will use it only for Mods - so they can easy find out what certain users wrote so far
    I added this in the first part of the script:
    $Context->SetDefinition('PERMISSION_USER_TASK', 'Use UserTask');
    $Context->Configuration['PERMISSION_USER_TASK'] = '0';

    if ($Context->SelfUrl == "account.php" && $Context->Session->User->Permission('PERMISSION_USER_TASK')) {


    and to make it work you have to put a
    in the and to close the if
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