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edited December 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help


  • How do I remove [PREFIX] from the start of the subject line on the emails I send out?
  • How do I remove [PREFIX] from the start of the subject line on the emails I send out?
    Check lines 21-23 of the extension's default.php file. If you want no prefix,

    set $Context->Dictionary['MassMailerSubjectPrefix'] = ''(This is on line 23)
  • Is anyone having problems with the subject line?

    Mine is like, three characters wide. I tried to increase the size using html, but no luck.
  • Is there any way to establish a preferred email to send the mass mail? not just the account's email, so all the moderators can use the forum support email to notify something to all users, not the personal email.

    Congratulations for de add-on, I am going to use it a lot :D
  • I have a little problem, works fine, but it sends the email twice, anyone who have solved this problem? thanks for the help

    The problem is solved now, so thanks :D
  • I have been looking for a mailer-app for our forum.
    I like what I read about MassMailer, but it's not what I have in mind for us. We have several geographical chapters with their own members (sort of like Londoners being notified of what they do in Newcastle: some would be interested, some not, but I want them to opt-in anyway).

    Would it be possible for the members to subscribe to notifications? Such as "London", "Newcastle", "theatre", "film", or similar? Point being that we can have our members decide for themselves what kind of notifications they receive.
  • Thank you! It works without additional effort and configuration. I'm going to use it a lot, instead of Notifi extension, which behaves strange.
  • PamelaPamela ✭✭
    Is there time-out control ? I've got about 1000 users
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