Could anyone please tell me what would happen with the HTML comments after activating this extension? Do they get messed up or do they stay the way they are? Thank you very much.
I'm pretty sure they should stay as they are, as long as you keep the HTML formatter installed. That way it should still know how to format the posts which were originally formatted in HTML, it just shouldnt let you format any new ones as such. Regardless, if you install this extension and it does somehow mess them up it shouldnt be much work to fix it.
Thanks Mini. Tested it and the HTML simply gets ignored, even if the HTML extension is still active. Is there a chance to get old posts still working? I don't got a clue when it comes to PHP, sorry.
Eh? Wierd...Sounds like the forced bbcode just ignores whatever the post is set to in the database rather than setting new posts to bbcode and removing the formatting options.
How difficult would it be and what is the best approach if I wanted to add one particular tag whose content would be parsed by an external parser?
What I mean is, suppose I'd like BBCode not to parse de [code] tag and instead let me parse it with Geshi -I know there's already a Geshi extension but it works through AJAX and I'd like to have the code coloured directly without having the user ask-, what would be the best point to capture the code tag parsing?
Granted people shouldn't be using 6.0, but a few of the people in my forum do.
What happens is, and this is just an example for links.. when they highlight text and press link, after typing a link and clicking OK, it inputs two sets of url code.
Any thoughts (other than forcing them to upgrade browsers or telling him to not use bbcode)?
I had to rename the Javascript function 'insert' to 'BB_insert' and change the function calls in default.php accordingly, as it seemed to clash with another script and didn't call the function properly. Perhaps place all the function definitions in their own namespace?
Comments this one is better:
I am at the origin of the bad hack... I also found the good one ;-)
What I mean is, suppose I'd like BBCode not to parse de [code] tag and instead let me parse it with Geshi -I know there's already a Geshi extension but it works through AJAX and I'd like to have the code coloured directly without having the user ask-, what would be the best point to capture the code tag parsing?
u can see here what will happen when i enable the extension .
how can i fix it ?
I want to disable
please fix it.
Granted people shouldn't be using 6.0, but a few of the people in my forum do.
What happens is, and this is just an example for links.. when they highlight text and press link, after typing a link and clicking OK, it inputs two sets of url code.
Any thoughts (other than forcing them to upgrade browsers or telling him to not use bbcode)?