Ok to self-post? New Vanilla site...

edited November 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I've just completed development on this site: http://www.seedmagazine.com/ The entire site is Movable Type-driven, until you get to... http://community.seedmagazine.com/ Which is, of course, our good friend Vanilla. :)


  • Nice. I really wish i could design well enough to make cms's stop looking like cms's and actually make them look like i just created a decent site. Interesting theme too.
  • Wow. Excellent job.
  • Woa! Which files did you change to change the Vanilla template!!!???? How hard was it? BTW: NICE JOB! It looks great!
  • beautiful site - well done! just finished a re-launch of a magazine site, too, also with Vanilla (needs a bit more refinement on the integration and css alterations, but the forum code is working well) http://decibelmagazine.com/forum/ if you had anything to do with the CMS integration, i'd love to talk shop and compare notes with you about your Movable Type inplementation. we did a lot of work using .Net/XML/XSLT for our CMS - we're pretty happy but always looking for ways to improve
  • Thanks everyone -- the styles don't stray too much from the original theme, just some tweaking involved. It was bit frustrating hunting down all the elements I needed to change, but mostly because I hadn't worked with Vanilla before. I do look forward to a new version that has greater separation of logic and presentation. RFMRobert -- I did all of the integration, MT and Vanilla. Feel free to drop me a line.
  • I'm holding off on my overhaul until the new rev drops.
  • How easy/hard would it be to accomplish that same type of thing with textpattern?
  • Bitey says easy. The last month or so I have been involved with TXP (making a switch from WP it's THAT GOOD!) I have done some pretty amazing things. And o2b, you just hit the bullseye like no other. And that Vanilla theme is amazing.
  • That Vanilla theme really is something else. Doesn't even look much like vanilla. Excellent work.
  • Good job... :)
  • Those little icons on Seed are extremely nice.
  • Nice work! I must agree that the theme is looking good and Vanilla is nicely integrated to the website. Thumbs up!
  • Nice. Here's hoping they made a donation as well.
  • Nicely skinned indeed. Looks fantastic.
  • Donation = yes. Paypal got a bit of workout with all the MT plugins we're leveraging. :)
  • Cool! So, has anyone else spied any full-on installs of Vanilla elsewhere?
  • what i really like, o2b, is how you've added extra information above the "Welcome Guest" block in the panel, giving people more clues about what's to be found in the forum. how did you do this? for those of us struggling with editing the templates it's cool to see it done with such success and it would be great if you could talk us through it!
  • edited November 2005
    lee waits for everyone to realise this was a thinly disguised hint at a request for help....
  • okay, you edit the English.php file in you languages directory
  • You mentioned the main site was MT plus a shedload of plugins, don't suppose you could tell us which ones you're using?
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