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    would be nice,

    vanilla needs a lot more "social network related" extensions. :)
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    @Vanoob: Redirect now works but as always, more problems :) I get a 404 for the following: (exta info: friendly url's installed)
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    OK so i have been working on this extension some, and a while back i redid the entire tabbed interface:


    But I think you guys would rather have the links put in the side panel because it work blend more with the vanilla style. My question is, which way would you rather see the links be presented?
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    Heh... first we had nobody working on this... now we've got an abundance of people working on it :D
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    @ Vaz, with your 404 error it's nothing to do with Friends extension... it might be something to do with Friendly URL, actually there's nothing wrong with Friendly URL either... it's working fine... it's really not that convoluted hehe. There is a code that you need to add to the .htaccess file that you got from Friendly URL. I have no idea what it is atm because i don't use it.
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    So how does this work, when we have two people developing the same extension in two different directions?
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    I talked to vanoob, he said my 2.0 was further along than his was, so i guess we will go with my 2.0
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    any good news here ,or allready pre christmas madness ?

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    btw, i really like the enemy-list idea.

    is there a way to extend this friendlist with the enemy-list function?
    to display and to manage both, friends and enemies.
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    hmm thats a thought, i could make it so you can take that "enemy list" and apply other things based on it such as, dont get whispers from this person, and hide posts from this person. and also tally enemy and friend counts and supply award(or punishments)
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    this would be brilliant y2kbg.

    and just in case you can embed this "list" (names or names + membericons as linkage to their profiles) also for everybody in the user-profile as well , i would really love you platonically :D
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    this add-on is great and really popular with my forum - the "view all" page alone is fantastic and resolves the problem of too many members per page with the members page add-on.

    sadly though using this has slowed my forum slowing to an absolute crawl so I've had to switch it off (I'm using the 2.0 beta linked to mid thread)

    could it be a compatibly issue? How would one be able to work out what is causing the problem?

    I look forward to seeing an update which hopefully addresses the speed issue and would be happy to switch it back on on my forum to help any developer fault find with it

    but thanks - a really great extension
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    so how is the progress on this? just wondering
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    I will be working on this some in the next week or 2.
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    do you guys want like a top friends, or just show all friends?
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    top friends would be cool
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    hi, i am interested in this mod. thanks so much for offering it. i would be interested in "top" friends too, but an option to view all friends?
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    also enemies would be great too if that is still on the cards
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    Enemy-List should, if included, be optional. I think its in special cases a nice feature but most of the time it gives a bad impression of a community.
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