Google Base

edited November 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Its lives!

Looks like a spam pit waiting to happen to me.


  • Hehe, it's basically wikipedia with media wiki integrated in it. Which reminds me, I should get wikipedia tattooed in to my butt.
  • "in to" your butt? hehe eww. Back on topic... this looks like nothing more than a google sponsored craigslist really. But yeah, a possible spam pit.
  • all their base are belong to lussumo
  • have to say i don't really get it.
  • minisweeper u gamer geek hahah i love it... nintendo days haha btw what the heck does google base do? whats the point of uploading various user defined document types??? i can't even find the place to browse them all.. what is google planning??
  • sprockettsprockett New
    edited November 2005
    ok i think i get it. everyone is creamed. basically, its a delicious. but instead of links, u can define ur own data type, including bulk files, and tag them. google definitely has the power and userbase to launch a Universal for any kind of data. In like one day, they already have a ton of data. google strikes again and everyone is creamed.....
  • Its honestly not that impressive. It is confusing, there doesn't seem to be a really effective way of finding what you want (most stuff on there is just spam), and it just seems worthless right now.

    I don't see this hurting anyone.
  • Sprockett you heathen! Zero Wing was never ported to Nintendo machines! It was arcade game with ports to PC Engine and Sega Genesis. But Google Base doesn't seem anything to fuzz about right now, and I still can find my info rather nicely from other sources that have been longer online, not to mention with way better interfaces, the google base interface is like cat vomit on a halloween mask.
  • haha kosmo, i never had the genesis or pcengine, but i remember my friends raving abt how cool it was when i was doing supermariobros on my nintendo... hahah About google base: It just launched, but honestly,all it needs is a slick fun to use UI like blinklist, and ppl will flock to it. Nowadays, its all about UI. DIGG is just slashdot with an easier to use UI, Blinklist is just delicious with a cooler UI. Its easier to get cool code than cool customized addictive UI... thats the problem im facing with my project now..
  • Great, eays to use neat UI can make or break any software. And even when I like the Google style minimalistic interface on their search engine, I hate everything else they have done lately. Gmail webmail interface is the worst ever, Google Base is uninspiring and isn't that good to use. They really should take hint from popular UIs like Basecamp and flickr. open letter to google: "your interface design sucks"
  • edited November 2005
    The UI of Blinklist is horrible. I don't know how anyone could be impressed by it. Yeah, its colorful, it has a few nice graphics, but it just isn't very functional.
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