Ok, this is really starting to piss me off

edited November 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
At work, my computer has lousy 512megs of memory, and when I'm painting in photoshop image around 300dpi 2000x1000 picture, photoshop sometimes doesn't let me access the menus, the history doesn't load and I can't use the 'save as' ability. After Photoshop goes like this, I still can paint for a good half an hour and save using the hotkey, but everything else is impossible, so I have to shut it down and restart it. When I look at the taskmanager I can see that there is still like 100-200 megs of memory left. And plenty of virtual memory. So what gives? Is photoshop just that crappy program? Toughts?


  • edited November 2005
    I have exactly the same problem at work, and also have 512mb memory. My guess is that the RAM is fine, Photoshop can easily run with that (my older PC had that, and Photoshop ran fine)... what g-card do you have? I think that is probably more likely to make it slow. Lucky enough my boss said I can get a new PC, hopefully a MAC - i'm persuading!
  • I don't think it's the graphics card since the symptoms don't seem to transfer to other programs, I can alt-tab to other programs just fine, and they don't show anykind of problems.
  • I guess the question really is, which version of photoshop?
  • Have you tried using a memory manager?
    Photoshop might require a certain percentage of RAM is free to function fully.
  • Lousy 512 megs? My computer is running on 256! :P Anyways, I have Photoshop 7 installed on my computer and it runs quite smoothly. I did however upgrade to CS at one point, which later on turned out to be a bad idea. I've heard that CS requires huge amounts of RAM and that is exactly what my computer is lacking.
  • well, even under 512 megs, it should run decently if you think about it. I've heard nothing but complaints about the whole CS line. I can't see what's so great about them other than a few extra tools which make for a quick shortcut or two. /me shrugs
  • In that case, it will be CS. I use CS also... I initially thought it would be the RAM, but then thought it could be my G-card as it sucks.
  • i love my CS2. whenever I go back to 7, or even back to CS, i get annoyed by all the niggly things I have learned to take for granted in the newest version.
  • Only think I liked about CS2 was the font preview. Other than that, it was super sluggish on my system. 512mb ram 1.6ghz. I use CS and it runs fine, most of the time. Every once in a while when I am doing tons of things in Ps or have a huge image open I get odd errors like no menus, or my shortcuts just stop working. I quick shutdown of CS and restart usually gets it all back 100%. I would be thinking ram issue.
  • I love CS, and I'm planning on getting CS2. I have 800mhz G4, 1 gig ram, and it runs great
  • Ok so it's the CS2 that I'm using. *sigh* So that is why I have had some minor problems with my home machine Athlon 64 3000+ 2gig ram GeForce 7800GTX on CS2 when painting a picture of 300dpi 3000x1700pixels. Damn you Adobe!
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