
edited December 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help


  • In default.php Extension Name: Simplified Categories

    On this site SimplifiedCategories

    Can we get this corrected please?
  • clean up day Stash? :)
  • Well I ran my "check for updates" and thought I'd just throw out the ones which aren't updating correctly. Benefits the whole community if they're all marked up correctly afterall :)
  • Would just changing the name mean I should update this to version 1.0.1?
  • Version number changed from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1.
  • jimw, change the following from this:<?php /* Extension Name: Simplified Categories Extension Url: Description: Adds a user preference to hide details in the category list. Version: 1.0.0 Author: Jim Wurster Author Url: */to this<?php /* Extension Name: SimplifiedCategories Extension Url: Description: Adds a user preference to hide details in the category list. Version: 1.0.1 Author: Jim Wurster Author Url: */
    Basically, the "Extension Name:" and the "Version" need to match the add-ons site exactly.
  • Mission accomplished. Thank you.
  • Jim mate, the version number in the default.php is still 1.0.0 - needs updating ;)
  • Uploaded version 1.0.1 of SimplifiedCategories.
  • I hope I got it right this time. My brain has not been operating on all cylinders lately. Thank you for reminding me. I do appreciate reminders.
  • Lovely job jim, and I understand the brain-not-firing-on-all-cylinders-lately thing - several feeds and nappy changes for a small boy will do that to anyone :D
  • no effect with v.1.1.4 :(
  • I'm thinking that my documentation on how to use this extension is not very clear. A good test of one's extension and documentation is to look at it again after several months and see if you can remember how it works. In addition, I've modified it a lot for my own use and so going back to the original uploaded version is a step back in time.

    So, I will update it shortly and upload a new version.

    Also, it looks like the extension would never work for the sidepanel part since I had commented out the code to allow it to display in the sidepanel. And the included categories.php was the original Vanilla file, not my modified version. Sorry, again. Once you have this file, you can modify it to add or subtract information from the Categories page.

    The extension adds user preferences to control the sidepanel display:
    - Hide Latest Discussions list
    - Sort by latest created discussions (by default sorts by discussions with latest comments)
    - Only show discussions I've commented in

    By default, the sidepanel info should display (if you un-comment the following lines of code in the default.php file):
    // $Head->AddStyleSheet("extensions/SimplifiedCategories/simplifiedcategories.css"); // $ListName = $Context->GetDefinition('SimplifiedCategoryList'); // $Panel->AddList($ListName); // $Panel->AddListItem($ListName, $Discussion->Name, $UnreadUrl, ''); // $Panel->AddListItem($ListName, TimeDiff($Context, $Discussion->DateLastActive, mktime()) . $NewString, $LastUrl, '', 'class="SimplifiedCategoryListTime"');
    The information will display in the sidepanel.

    So, I apologize for it not being clear how to use this and will try to make better documentation in the future.

    I will be uploading version 1.0.2 shortly. I know I've helped a couple of you with this extension, but from what I can remember, I never got a lot of comments that it didn't work. Please correct me if I am wrong.
  • Version number changed from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2.
  • Uploaded version 1.0.2 of SimplifiedCategories.
  • ah got it, it's a latest discussion prime "like" addon, but a tad more advanced, i thought it does the same like the simplified discussions addon and i as admin can set up the global displaying method for all members :D

    but thanks anyways jimw
  • nice
This discussion has been closed.