FilesPerPage Bug?

edited November 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I just installed Filebrowser on my server and I'm noticing that it does not appear to respect the input in the configuration file which says to only display 10 files per page. This is especially annoying since I have about 300 files in the directory and displaying all those thumbnails on one page can get pretty taxing. Is this a known issue, I see that your demo page doesn't appear to respect the limits either. If so, is there a work around. Thanks, and great work on providing a really unique set of tools. Might have to start putting my PHP skills to use around here. :) Brian


  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I think you misunderstood the FilesPerPage setting. If you click the double arrows beside "next" or "previous", then it will display FilesPerPage number of full-sized images on the page (instead of the regular single file that is displayed when you click on a thumbnail or click on the previous or next buttons). All thumbnails are always displayed on the page. Perhaps you should sort into folders?
  • Ahh, I understand now; I see I was confused. Sorting into folders doesn't work for my application. Basically, we have a file uploader script that we let people submit files to for a large forum we have running. Over the past year or so, all of these uploads have been collected and we thought it would be fun to commemorate 100,000 posts to put the filebrowser into that folder to let people easily see what's been uploaded. Would you be willing to accept a patch that supports a "thumbnails per page" for the filebrowser?
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Of course, I'm always open to new ideas :)
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