Hardcode an indent into paragraph?

Is there was way to hardcode an indent into paragraphs? I'm a typesetter and it really bugs me to not see that on my comments nor discussions. My site is at http://www.chrispasseno.com/community/


  • yeah set it in css ex. p{ text-indent:5px; }
  • Mr. Fahrenheit- Thanks, I can't believe I didn't connect that in my brain. When I put it in the P I get all text with an indent. What is the Class I could put it in that it'd only affect the comments. I tried .CommentBody, but it only indented the first paragraph and left the others alone.
  • That might be because those paragraphs aren't actually seperated as <p> tags. I think a hard enter in text mode is interpreted as a <br />
  • edited November 2005
    Yeah... <div class="CommentBody" id="Comment_15092">That might be because those paragraphs aren't actually seperated as <p> tags.<br><br>I think a hard enter in text mode is interpreted as a <br /></div> Is coding of my last comment... it's not a <p>.... you'd have to find a way to convert hard enters to <p>and</p>... don't ask me how. Anyone know?
  • edited November 2005

    The Markdown formatter automatically puts text in p tags.

  • so you could take away the text and html options so it's just markdwon
  • edited November 2005

    Markdown, so simple but so powerful. I don't know why I haven't used it til now.

    Thanks people!

  • Well the syntax is a little weird (especially for links and images), and most people don't know it. I might make a link to daringfireball after the Markdown option. If someone ever writes a Markdown Editor plugin, I'll switch my site over to it.
  • markdown screws up your validation with tags like <blockquote> and <code> as it puts those in <p> tags. So, if you actually care about validation (which is near impossible on forums anyways- no one ever nests tags properly) then you're stuck.
  • NB: It's better to use an em-value, eg.

    text-indent: 1em;

    rather than a pixel one, as it'll scale properly when the user changes the text size.
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