need some help with names
I know this is also a community forum right?... so based on that, i'll ask this q
I need help thinking up a company name... i'm starting to write a busines plan and I'd like to get it done by thanksgiving.
my company would be doing custom websites, graphics work, selling hosting, selling domains, and selling ssl
I'd prefer to not use some generic name.... like "ender hosting!" or whatnot... something interesting like lussumo, google, etc.
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And apparently there already is an ISP called Sasquatch, though I didn't know about it at the time.
For names like 'amarimono' its worth considering might your site get word of mouth advertising? And if so how likely is someone going to be able to a) remember and b) guess the spelling of your url.
Yeah, but Geico also had a multi-million-dollar dotcom-inflated marketing budget.
New plan: