need some help with names

edited November 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I know this is also a community forum right?... so based on that, i'll ask this q I need help thinking up a company name... i'm starting to write a busines plan and I'd like to get it done by thanksgiving. my company would be doing custom websites, graphics work, selling hosting, selling domains, and selling ssl I'd prefer to not use some generic name.... like "ender hosting!" or whatnot... something interesting like lussumo, google, etc. thanks


  • Sasquatch
  • Hm... Sasquatch, Inc.... that doesn't sound too attracting... what do u think?
  • I think for a personal touch, it should be a personal pick.
  • Well, I do my work under the Kosmov name, a little story where it came. Both me and my buddies, we were thinking about a good site name that we could use for portfolio purposes, and maybe for a future studio name. We listened some old acid jazz and fusion records from the eastern germany and they sang "Kosmos licht" or something like that in one song and it was so funny that we started to think about it. We all are huge fans of Kraftwerk and like he old 50s and 60s ad art and sci fi art where people had fishbowls in their heads and bikinis while playing beach volley in the moon (that was the reality back then people!) Plus the Russian word for space "kosmos" sounds so much better than "space" like, how boring is that? OH SWEET DUDE! LOOK! IT'S SPACE? Space? What the fuck is that, just empty. Kosmos had balls, cosmic radiation turns people in to super heroes and kosmos has everything cool and colors and junk. So, like good little ad agency minions that we are, we just took a common word and twisted it a little, made it sound like someone was trying to say Moscow backwwards or something like that and BAM! Kosmov was born, maybe later to be turned in to Kosmov Softworks or something neat like that. Bitey has spoken!
  • I kinda like Sasquatch.
  • edited November 2005
    I was just joking.

    And apparently there already is an ISP called Sasquatch, though I didn't know about it at the time.
  • lol, that's funny. Hey, what do you guys think of the name 'amarimono', in japanese it means 'leftover'?
  • The meaning of the word means alot to some people. And believe me many find out what your name means.
  • For names like 'amarimono' its worth considering might your site get word of mouth advertising? And if so how likely is someone going to be able to a) remember and b) guess the spelling of your url.

  • enderateros.... it's from the book Enders Game by Orson Scott Card... it's an old s/n i used like in 6th grade, and it's just stuck to me :-P so i guess amarimono isn't too good huh..... >.< my brain is fried
  • Yeah, I'd just say don't think about it too hard man. When it comes down to it, it's kinda arbitrary. You have to imagine what "Amazon" was thinking when they first considered that name. How easily could they have decided that's rediculous? I'm sure there's a story behind it...but what does it matter to the customers? I'd say it has everything to do with what the name is associated with that determines its success, not the name at all.
  • Well think of marketting. Geico marketted the fuck out of their gecko.
  • edited November 2005

    Yeah, but Geico also had a multi-million-dollar dotcom-inflated marketing budget.

    New plan:

    1. Open a dictionary to a random page
    2. Pick a word that sounds cool and is not heard often
    3. Make sure the word doesn't mean anything bad
    4. Google it and make sure there are no other IT companies using it
  • 5. Realize how bad the idea was Seriously, only with a name that is close to you and you feel is the right one that you feel most comfortable about talking to people is the one you should be using and should translate to people easiest. If you can't clearly explain what the word means and where it fits, the chance is that people are a) not interested b) forget about it as fast as they learned about it. Take words and use it for a day or so - week would be better, but you seem to be in a hurry - in different situations in your mind. Like "Hello, I'm a professional graphic designer from Kosmov Softworks and we are specialized in realtime 3d graphics and environmental design" or "Hi, you should check out my portfolio at" If it doesn't correctly ring in your ear it is propably the wrong one "Hello, you should check my site Xyzlytz it's awesome" or Be sure to register at Gonga, we have a suprise for you." They don't sound professional, nor do they give you confidense in the company you are hiring.
  • lol Gonga
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