Uploaded version 1.1 of Report Post with the following changes: If the user who reports the post isnt logged in they are referred to as 'guest'. The ability to report posts is now granted using role permissions. You WILL need to give roles the permission to report posts if you wish them to be able to do so. By default users will not be allowed to report posts. If you wish guests to be able to report posts then you need to open up the default.php, and change the line starting $Configuration['PERMISSION_SEND_POST_REPORT'] to end = 1; instead of = 0;
I'm getting:
Notice: Undefined property: Context::$User in /home/.pilar/vbunet/xxxxxxx.com/forums/extensions/ReportPost/default.php on line 15
Fatal error: Call to a member function Permission() on a non-object in /home/.pilar/vbunet/xxxxxxx.com/forums/extensions/ReportPost/default.php on line 15
Note: I am not a php coder so I will need some hand holding.
I want this to replace my basically-not-working-notify-extension. What I would like to do is only allow Administrators to report a post (i.e. see the link on the right) yet everyone else be able to receive them. Reason being, there is a lot of conversation on my Project Manager-esque install. Some are important to read and that's when I would want the client to be notified. Not necessarily every time, as a lot of the messages are "thanks" and "this has been received" and "this has been updated." So, it would be nice to choose when they be notified, and this would do the trick.
How my forum is set up is everything is a whisper. So, its a one on one conversation with myself and the client or my staff and the client, yet the staff can see all whispers. So even though it might be between myself and the client, a member of the staff could also respond and take part in that convo. What I want to happen is for me to post a message and then be able to report that message to the client that its being whispered to.
I cant talk you through it right now because it's 3am, I just got in, I'm way to tired to start code digging, and frankly what was a pretty good night took a dramatic turn for the worse about an hour ago. This is not a particularly happy minisweeper.
If you'd like to either a) bump this tomorrow morning when I might be a little more interested, b) hope that someone else picks up your question before i get chance and has a quick look for you, or c) drop me an e-mail reminding me (ideally in that order), then it should be pretty easy to work something out for you.
Well, here is the bump... the hope... and I guess the email will come later on if necessary : ) Hope your mood improves. Mine is somewhat down as well, but I blame that on Cleveland sports once again disappointing me after they got me all excited.
Yeah I got your e-mail. I've got the script open so I'll find time at some point to work out what's required but it's a bit of a background activity for me..
No problem. I'm just enthused that its deemed as possible, let alone someone is willing to work on it. I've gone 6 months without notification, so I'm sure I could go a little longer without it : )
Yeah - I'd suggest it's probably worth your while to keep bugging me about it at reasonable intervals incase I get side tracked.
I've just had a quick refresh now and it seems that pretty much everything you need to do is already a function of the extension - give your admin roles the permissions to report and recieve post reports (open default.php and change the line $Context->Configuration['PERMISSION_SEND_POST_REPORT'] = '1'; to $Context->Configuration['PERMISSION_SEND_POST_REPORT'] = '0'; so your clients dont have that permission by default) then get all the admins to add the preference to recieve post reports in their account pages.
The only thing which actually needs adding is to make it e-mail the client as well as the admins when the post is reported. That's easy enough - it just needs to pass the ID of the client which should be obtainable from the WhisperTo info in the comments class to the report script. Alas once again it's 2.30 in the morning and I have to be up in 4 hours so although it's a pretty quick job i'm not gonna work on it now.
Check out the instructions i gave above to make sure that it is all working as you require - with just the exception of not emailing the client too - and I'll try and get the necessary code snippets worked out for you by tomorrow.
Well, I don't necessarily want it to report to the Admins. That would be unneccessary since it would be the admins being the ones reporting. The only ones needing to receive would be the general members (there are 3 roles). But I understand what you are saying. Its just that admins need to send, not receive, and members need to receive, but not send.
Hello... I was wondering if it was possible to not get a direct email, but it would whisper/PM the Admin... That way it can be handled even quicker once the Admin or even the Mod's get on to the forum.
Or another suggestion would be for it to create a thread within a hidden forum for each post reported. That way a Admin/Mod could reply to it and give details about what was wrong and what they did to correct it.
Thanks... Sorry if its not okay to bump old threads! Didn't want to make a new one. ^_^
Those would both be good ideas...I'm not really sure I want to further the scope of this extension to provide that functionality myself but it shouldn't be too difficult for someone to do that if they wished and they're more than welcome to...
I could be anywhere and get an email containing a reported post, usually a SPAM attempt, then I can log in and sus it out.
Otherwise I would have to wait until much later in the day to check the forum, by which time the SPAMer has his money's worth advertising their drivvel.
As for reporting what I did to correct it, I can still do that by email or whisper to whoever reported it.
Well I think it could work both ways as well.
What I want is my Moderators to see it the instant its reported. Now no one checks there email ever 5 minutes, unless you have a widget or something to warn you of emails. But I just want a hidden section where they can post follow up reports so all Mods can see it, if it was handled correctly and even comment on it if need be.
I really don't want to contact the reporter because they'll be able to see the effect after they report it. So no real need to tell them. I just need something a little more faster, maybe even displaying a message above all the forums/pages(Like the announcement extension/new applicants) or a reported post for quicker execution.
But what I'm looking for is a faster response to these things. Because I know I can't be around looking at my email all day, so my Mods have to handle it.
Quote: ChadFenwick ...no one checks there email ever 5 minutes, unless you have a widget or something to warn you of emails.... what I'm looking for is a faster response to these things
My email app, and every email app I've ever used, has a setting "Check for mail every [x] minutes"! No widget, just a capable email app and yes, when I'm expecting business emails it checks every 5-10 minutes! Surely email is the fastest method, checking the forum every so often for a whisper is not efficient. Maybe I am mis-understanding your request.
You're assuming ofcourse that Chad uses an email client, Wanderer. To be honest both methods are probably quickest depending on a users style. My email gets checked every 5 (i think) minutes so that'd be quickest for me unless i happened to be browsing the forum at the time. It seems like a pretty sensible and reasonable request to me...
Quote: Minisweeper You're assuming of course that Chad uses an email client, Wanderer.
Yes sir I most certainly am assuming that, also that he's using a keyboard and mouse and not a green screen with arrow-keys and a tape drive for his data!
If the user who reports the post isnt logged in they are referred to as 'guest'.
The ability to report posts is now granted using role permissions. You WILL need to give roles the permission to report posts if you wish them to be able to do so.
By default users will not be allowed to report posts. If you wish guests to be able to report posts then you need to open up the default.php, and change the line starting $Configuration['PERMISSION_SEND_POST_REPORT'] to end = 1; instead of = 0;
I want this to replace my basically-not-working-notify-extension. What I would like to do is only allow Administrators to report a post (i.e. see the link on the right) yet everyone else be able to receive them. Reason being, there is a lot of conversation on my Project Manager-esque install. Some are important to read and that's when I would want the client to be notified. Not necessarily every time, as a lot of the messages are "thanks" and "this has been received" and "this has been updated." So, it would be nice to choose when they be notified, and this would do the trick.
How my forum is set up is everything is a whisper. So, its a one on one conversation with myself and the client or my staff and the client, yet the staff can see all whispers. So even though it might be between myself and the client, a member of the staff could also respond and take part in that convo. What I want to happen is for me to post a message and then be able to report that message to the client that its being whispered to.
How could I accomplish this with this extension?
- Garvin
- Garvin
I could be anywhere and get an email containing a reported post, usually a SPAM attempt, then I can log in and sus it out.
Otherwise I would have to wait until much later in the day to check the forum, by which time the SPAMer has his money's worth advertising their drivvel.
As for reporting what I did to correct it, I can still do that by email or whisper to whoever reported it.
Posted: Thursday, 2 August 2007 at 11:25AM
No widget, just a capable email app and yes, when I'm expecting business emails it checks every 5-10 minutes!
Surely email is the fastest method, checking the forum every so often for a whisper is not efficient.
Maybe I am mis-understanding your request.
Posted: Thursday, 2 August 2007 at 4:15PM
Posted: Friday, 3 August 2007 at 5:57AM