since this is a WIP whilst it's under repair I'd like to request a new permissions feature.
I would like to only allow certain roles from being able to use this, and I understand that roles and permission is quite easy to add - so there's no harm in asking.
Good feature request conrad. But how about changing it to simply allowing users to disable it if they want? Since it is client side I can't see the harm in allowing people to use it.
here's an interesting issue
when someone quotes the enclosure it seems to call some kind of missing image link - I'm sure it's just a simple tweak
any idea?
JQMedia works by replacing html a href tags with embed code, as far as i can tell, so i think it should probably work. maybe.
How were you trying to post youtube videos?
You'd need to download and install the HTML Formatter from in order to try using a standard html link in association with JQMedia and see whether it's an issue with JQM or BBCode.
IIRC Forced BBCode doesn't have any video support. Might want to take a look at either BBCodeParser and the unofficial 0.1.9 release I did for the insert bar and modify up ForcedBBCode along those lines. I'm sorry but I just don't have time to do it for you, but all the code's there.
what on earth is all that stuff in the playlist.xml file?
looks like adverts for other sites and podcasts - is there any way to check if it calling home to anywhere?
Back copies...
JQMedia 0.1JQMedia 0.2
JQMedia 0.3
JQMedia 0.4
JQMedia 0.5
JQMedia 0.5.1
JQMedia 0.5.1a (doesn't work properly)
JQMedia 0.5.2 (doesn't work properly)
I installed 0.5.1 and everything works again.