Flashability, sticky fingers with actionscript!

edited November 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I know that some of you busters can hack a mean flash scripts and flash presentations. So, what I'm asking is can someone tell me how can I manipulate the data inside a flash with xml files. The thing that I need is a header image that has a background picture and links with a small text box top of the image. I need to be able to manipulate the text in the text box with xml so I can update it if need comes. And use an xml or some other way to update the background image. So how this works? Can I just update things and they update on the flash automatically, or do I need to compile the movie every time? Sticky fingers, feed me with information that I seek.


  • http://www.kirupa.com might be able to help. I can't offer anything more than that though. Sorry.
  • You can also pull variables from a text file really easily, when I'm building flash stuff for other developers I use this method to build external hooks for variables, and they then put together whatever system they want to update the text file..... Nice intro to this at http://www.smartwebby.com/Flash/external_data.asp
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