Instance of Vanilla I created this extension for is private, but effect you can see on the screenshot. Syntax and rendered images are the same as in Wikipedia.
Example formula could be: [math]\int{\sin{x^\frac{3}{2}}dx}[/math] And effect:
Ah, thanks Vincent. Yeah htmlspecialchars_decode() is only supported by PHP5.1+ and my server's running 4.3. Your fix kills the PHP error message, but the [math] constructs still don't convert to LaTeX images (i.e., "Formula rendering error."). I'll see if I can figure out what's going on.
Yes, it has dependencies on dvips, latex and convert (from ImageMagick) (It's in the texvc's README). According to README from texvc if you want to have non-ASCII unicode chars you need also cjk-latex package in Debian.
Like to know is anyone has got this extension working recently. This is a real plus for Vanilla if it was working, and a main reason I would like to use Vanilla on my site.
Syntax and rendered images are the same as in Wikipedia.
Example formula could be: [math]\int{\sin{x^\frac{3}{2}}dx}[/math]
And effect:
According to README from texvc if you want to have non-ASCII unicode chars you need also cjk-latex package in Debian.
Moreover the link to to your(?) site is dead and I´m not sure which files I have to copy from the MediaWiki link.
Whats happening with this extension? did it die?
But anyway, I'm still getting "Formula rendering error. Correct the formula and try again." (the formula syntax is correct)