that seems correct if ur role is adminstrator. did u also follow my other instructions about makine a theme with my file? you have to select it in the settings page under themes and styles too
jsa: It took me quite a while to get it to work, but then again I haven't played around with PHP in quite some time. Also, it's a pretty ugly hack, especially considering I had to integrate his code into my current theme. There has to be a better way to do this....
.ContentInfo h1 {
color: #000;
#Comments .CommentHeader a.administrator {
#CommentsPage .ContentInfo h1 {
no workie am I doin something wrong? I deleted my browser cache just in case same results.
Themes currently available in your installation of Vanilla
Styles available for the selected theme
scene 0.9
*actually nevermind I forgot to select apply this style to all users after I did that it worked like a champ
thanks man.