Back button always goes to top of page ?

edited November 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I'm not sure if this is a bug related to Vanilla or just Firefox, but here goes... I'm looking at the list of discussions. I'm scrolling down about halfway through the list. I find a discussion I'd like to read and click on it. I realize that I don't want to read the discussion anymore, so I hit the back button to return to the discussion listing. The "bug" is that it's resetting my page view by putting me at the top of the discussion listing instead of halfway down the page where I was when I clicked on the discussion to read it. Vanilla is the only site I see this happen on. I'm not sure what's causing it either. Any ideas?


  • Happens here too. Interestingly noticed.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    The back button doesn't actually look at your history a la "javascript:history.back();", it just hyperlinks the index.php file. So, when you click it, it just reloads the index page. The reason I don't use javascript and go back into your history is two-fold: 1. The discussions are paged. So, if you click on a discussion, read the first page of comments and then go to the second one - if you clicked a javascript history.back button, it would take you back to page 1 of that discussion - not the discussion listing. 2. If I used a javascript.back button, when it took you back to the index page, you wouldn't see the most recent discussions. On busy forums, there could be any number of new discussions since you last looked at the discussion index - you wouldn't really want to be looking at a cached version of an older index page.
  • Hmm... well, I'm using my browser's back button I mean. So if I'm looking at the discussion listing and I'm scrolled half-way down the page and click on a discussion link to read it. When I'm on the discussion, I then use my browser's back button to return to the discussion listing, I'm at the top of the page instead of half-way down the page where I clicked on that link. Make sense? I wouldn't think this was a javascrip issue... or is that how browsers actually handle history. I don't know. It sounds like some kind of caching issue almost. Like I said, this is something I see unique to Vanilla. Doing the same thing on another forum would not result in this (just to compare, I'm not saying other forums are better ;)
  • I think I know what you mean, wlvrn. I've noticed that hitting the back button in my browser (FF 1.5 RC1) when visiting a Vanilla forum sends me to the top of the previous page. Usually it sends me back to the last known scroll position on the previous page. Unfortunately I don't know the reason behind this odd behaviour.
  • @Jan - yeah, that's exactly it. Well put. It's expecially annoying simply because of the exceptionally vertical layout that Vanilla (or any forum, for that matter) has.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Yeah - it does that for me too. How odd! I'm going to have to play around with some other pages and see what happens.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I bet it has something to do with my header's no-cache settings...
  • edited November 2005
    Cool, at least it can be reproduced! I'm not loosing my mind!
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