
edited July 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help


  • ?(1.1 .e.i) delbat hctam ton rebmun noisrev eht seod yhw tub ,emeht taerg
  • Haha, like your post :P
  • Uploaded version 1.1 of Delbat.
  • Updated with Mark's changes
  • Delbat and Tabled themes cause an error when logging out of Vanilla 1.1.5a:

    - - -
    Some problems were encountered
    Can you please confirm your would like to sign out?
    - - -

    Any chance we can get an update to Delbat, or a tip on how to fix this?

  • Searching is your friend. This is theme related. I found this link that should help -
  • JimW, thanks I had actually been SEARCHING for this solution myself for a day.... thanks again Steelejones
  • This theme need to be updated from vanilla 1.1.5+, Replace line 5 to 11 of menu.php: if ($this->Context->Session->UserID > 0) { echo str_replace('//1', $this->Context->Session->User->Name, $this->Context->GetDefinition('SignedInAsX')).' (<a href="'.$this->Context->Configuration['SIGNOUT_URL'].'">'.$this->Context->GetDefinition('SignOut').'</a>)'; } else { echo $this->Context->GetDefinition('NotSignedIn').' (<a href="'.AppendUrlParameters($this->Context->Configuration['SIGNIN_URL'], 'ReturnUrl='.GetRequestUri()).'">'.$this->Context->GetDefinition('SignIn').'</a>)'; }
    with if ($this->Context->Session->UserID > 0) { echo str_replace('//1', $this->Context->Session->User->Name, $this->Context->GetDefinition('SignedInAsX')) . ' (<a href="' . FormatStringForDisplay(AppendUrlParameters( $this->Context->Configuration['SIGNOUT_URL'], 'FormPostBackKey=' . $this->Context->Session->GetCsrfValidationKey() )) . '">'.$this->Context->GetDefinition('SignOut').'</a>)'; } else { echo $this->Context->GetDefinition('NotSignedIn') . ' (<a href="' . FormatStringForDisplay(AppendUrlParameters( $this->Context->Configuration['SIGNIN_URL'], 'ReturnUrl='. urlencode(GetRequestUri(0)))) . '">'.$this->Context->GetDefinition('SignIn').'</a>)'; }

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