Adding custom profile data to comments view?

edited November 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
When reading comments, I'd like to have a link corresponding to a custom piece of profile data right next to the username. Basically, I want user to enter an Xbox Live Gamertag (identity for Microsoft's online xbox service) in their profile, and then have it appear next to their username in all of their posts. How would I do that with extentions? I looked through the documentation and it looks like I'll have to use the object factory to overwrite the default comments and commentsmanager classes. This looks like a huge pain, though, for such a simple task. Plus it will essentially break the whispers extention. Is there an easier way to do this?


  • So, essentially you want to implement something along the lines of a signature extension. From the quick look around the relevent files, it would probably be a lot more efficient to have a sort of mod and extension, as some exceedingly large classes (eg. CommentGrid) just need a small tweak in one or two of their functions.
  • Yeah....anyone else want to say anything about this?
  • Well, here's the Signature extension: Requires a small mod in three files, as it'd have to rewrite half of the Whispers extension, practically the entire comments control file and a good amount of the CommentManager otherwise. Shouldn't be too hard to edit it to do exactly what you want.
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