
edited June 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help


  • cool
    could u make another with like fav manga/anime list in profie
  • Note really (or easily). This add-on is just putting the code from comicvine on the page easily, like gamertags.

  • oh i see well i was thinking a cool addon would be one that you could like upload up to like 3 pictures of whatever and depending on what you wanted to do with it you could rename it like if i wanted to have like fav. mangas people could upload the cover (for example) of up to 3 of their fav. mangas or something like that but i guess we cannot do that but it would be a cool thing to have
  • It can be done, but its beyond my skill set. To do it, I'd look at the code for account pictures and pre-defined user attributes.
  • yeah but account pictures does not work T_T
  • Account pictures work for me. I had to make a change for it though. Look in the account pictures threads.
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