


  • Change this line:

    #Comments .CommentBody{display:block; margin:10px 0 15px; padding:0; width:100%; font-size:110%; line-height:180%}


    #Comments .CommentBody{float:left;display:block; margin:10px 0 15px; padding:0; width:100%; font-size:110%; line-height:180%}

    Let me know if this fixes the problem, thanks.
  • Humm, thank you.
    Now the theme works with IE6, except by the comments section, that has the same problem than the comments (I think this part needs a float:left, too).
    But the float:left breaks the correct position of the comments in FF2.x (IE7 and Opera 9.2x works fine).

  • gooood .. But how can I be the tap(Discussions,Categories,Search,...etc)in the normal manner tee that the Forum be above and not on the side?
  • Uploaded version 1.1 of Digg.
  • sjeeps

    In your original screenshots the login screen does not show any type of textbox where the user types in their name and password.. So I installed it.. I am using IE7, and my login screen looks the same.. The username/password textboxes are missing, and when I type there they are sort of misaligned a little bit below the label.

    Any suggestions?
  • Quick question....how do you change the the Favicon.ico for this theme? I managed to change it for the default theme, followed the same steps wih this template, but no luck :(
    Any suggestions?
  • Just check my site on another computer & the favicon updated. Apologies for the useless question then...seems like my computers wasn't refreshing no matter how many times i reloaded the page - strange.
    To make ammends - just in case anybody else wants to do there own favicon here's how i did it.
    1. Create a square impage/logo in photoshop 150 x 150 & save to folder/desktop/similar
    2. Generated favicon at http://www.htmlkit.com/services/favicon by uploading logo above through the form provided & downloading the favicon (check site for more details)
    3. Replace the favicon.ico in the follwing folder - this seems to work for all themes: themes/Digg/styles/default/
    4. Refresh your page & it hopefully you'll see it.

    Hope this will help somebody else.................apologies again for asking the question!
  • There is a free Photoshop plug-in that allows it to save in windows ico format.
    I could be mistaken but I think Photoshop CS3 does it out of the box.

    Every time I change the favicon for a site it takes quite a while for browsers to update it. Safari in particular has a seperate and quite persistent cache for them.

    Posted: Friday, 15 February 2008 at 6:00AM

  • very cool. nice work.
  • I'm trying to use FCKEditor with this theme. However, any formatting I put into my comment such as font or size does not apply when it is posted. It will maintain the bold or italic, but it will not keep the font I select or the size, although when I click 'edit' it will look right in FCKEditor again. Anyone know where I can take out this text formatting in Digg. I really dislike the large font that I'm stuck with and want the full features of FCKEditor.
  • How can i tweak this theme to use diferent background image for moderators or admins comments and other for simple users ?
  • Uploaded version 1.2 of Digg.
  • hi,

    Just uploaded Vanilla and download this theme, i really like and think it really suits what I want my forum to look like. The only problem is the colour scheme doesn't suit the rest of my site. I've attempted to change the colours and been through it using the Firefox developer plugin but I can't get the section at the top of the site to change. My site is here - http://forum.boromania.com/

    Any ideas? Thanks
  • Mate, before you go any further with development, I'd change the name of the folder your Vanilla lives in...


    What will you do when 1.1.6 comes out, or even 1.1.5b? Changing the name later will break everything and cause you grief!
  • yeah fair comment, I only installed it yesterday and was just playing with the design but it's a good point. thanks
  • "the section at the top" is just an image so you can edit it to match the body color or just get rid of it.

    Change this:

    body { background:#430202 url('body-top.jpg') repeat-x 0 0; color:#333; font:400 80% "lucida grande","lucida sans unicode","trebuchet ms","lucida sans",Verdana,sans-serif; }


    body { background:#430202; color:#333; font:400 80% "lucida grande","lucida sans unicode","trebuchet ms","lucida sans",Verdana,sans-serif; }
  • sjeeps,
    i've got a problem:

    i cant do paragraphs/breaks in my comments.
    for example: when i write ...

    i love the digg style

    because its

    so neat

    it displays this:

    l love the digg style
    because its
    so neat

    please can you help me out where i can fix this?
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