
edited February 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help


  • Uploaded version 1.0 of Offline.
  • Uploaded version 1.2 of Offline.
  • Uploaded version 1.2 of Offline.
  • Uploaded version 1.3 of Offline.
  • got a prob with this, I type in my message and click save but it doesnt take the forum offline?
  • Sorry if this is a stupid question but did you select the 'Take the message board offline' checkbox?

    If so did you try to sign-out and then back in again?

    NB You need to give your role the 'Can use the forum normally when it is offline' permisson so that you can sign-in even if the forum id offline.
    If you have this permission then the forum will not go 'offline' for you but will be offline for all other users.
  • Yup box is checked, roles are set. but nothing :/
  • Im having the same problem now :|
  • oh i just figured it out.... it doesnt save it if you select the message board to be offline for "unlimitied".... change it to 1 hour or anything but unlimited and it works :) im smrt :P
  • So does that mean the unlimited choice is defunct? It doesn't work for me either. I think I will revert to the Mary extension for the time being.
  • Line 71 includes the following condition:

    [line 71] ... and ($FORUM_OFFLINE_TIMEOUT_LENGTH !== 0) and ...

    That "!==" is causing the problem with the unlimited option. Change it to "!=" (that's one equal sign) and it works fine.
  • Uploaded version 1.4 of Offline.
  • I am the site Admin, and I set it to take it offline, and It doesn't. What is up?
  • What version are you using?
    What time period have you set for the board to be offline?
  • I have fixed it. Thanks, Josh
  • Yeah, the same thing happens to me
  • Your role probably has the permission to sign in when it's offline. Make sure you set the permissions correctly for all the roles you don't want to be able to sign in while the forum is offline.
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