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So finally the news sites are catching up with the rest of us?



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    edited November 2005
    Bergamot: your inability to comprehend a simple matter is mindboggling. I don't care if you "don't see it as anything revolutionary" since it actually isn't anything revolutionary, it's kinda like a way to do web applications, back in the days, web site was mainly done with just html, even if there were other technologies available, javascript, java and so on. Then they strated to use newer technology, like CSS and XHTML, Javascript and Flash, and then they adopted more technologies so todays site might use as many as 10 different technologies bringing the site to more dynamic user experience than what the basic html sites were. Can you try hard enough to use your imagination to understand this one little thing for me. What you are arguing about is that you are trying to force feed me your OPINION that "web 2.0" technologies are not anything new. Can't you see how stupid that is? To me, it's a velcome change to old way of using a web site, static text that only would change when the developer would change it. Today, I can contribute to the site by commenting on the, sometimes there are even possibility to change the layout with my own CSS and I don't even need to go to the site with RSS/ATOM. Are you so wrapped up on yourself that you are just mad because I don't share your OPINION about that "web 2.0" tech is old and again in your OPINION "fads." My god how some people think that opinions are facts.
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    Can't you two agrees to disagree?
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    MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    edited November 2005
    There's only one way to resolve this: Breakdance Contest

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    Pftt. I'd win.
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    I'd have a good old fashion shootout, that separates men from boys.
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    I mean all sorts of standards, the ones W3C has been developing like XForms, DOM, XML and then things that others are developing like SVG (yeah that was a great invetion) and Flex.

    Cool. I just wanted to check we were thinking along the same line there :)
    I really like SVG. If only I could convince my hosts that changing MIME types is possible....
This discussion has been closed.