YahooUI Text Editor



  • Hi all! I've been quietly lurking around the past couple days (Vanilla Rules!) and I've run into this same problem. The fontstyle, fontsize and paragraphstyle all rendering off to the left of the form in cyberlimbo so you can't see them. I tracked it down to skin.css, and more specifically, to this line of code: li.yui-toolbar-groupitem{text-indent:-200px;float:left;} Minus TWO-HUNDREDpx!?!? Are they out of control? SO I changed that to 0px, and lo and behold, my fields filled up right. But NOW the problem is that along with those three fields being shifted off to the left, there's a text label for every button on the form that were shifted left, and they also shift back. This means that the bold button not only has its big B symbol, but now has the word 'Bold' scribbled inadequately across it. The same for all the other buttons on the form. It's pretty cluttery. I'm still looking for a way to invisible them all up. I notice that each one has their own id; yui-gen1, yui-gen2, etc, but I don't see any place to stylize those. Still looking, but it's a start!
  • This is what I suspected the problem was, the CSS works when the editor is in a stand-alone window but not when embedded (for want of a better word) in a page with its own (rather heavy and complicated) CSS structure.
  • You're right. I got it to work if I added these three lines into vanilla.css: #yui-gen0 {text-indent:0px;} #yui-gen16 {text-indent:0px;} #yui-gen2 {text-indent:0px;} They move the text that's printed when the menus are closed, so that they will show what's been selected, but now the problem is to figure out how to show what CAN BE selected when the menus are open (for fontstyle and paragraph style).
  • Final Correction: It will work exactly as intended if you leave the line from my earlier comment alone (li.yui-toolbar-groupitem{text-indent:-200px;float:left;}) and just add these FIVE lines to your vanilla.css file: #yui-gen0 {text-indent:0px;} #yui-gen16 {text-indent:0px;} #yui-gen2 {text-indent:0px;} #yui-gen1 {text-indent:0px;} #yui-gen17 {text-indent:0px;} Talk about something that took ALL STINKING DAY to figure out! It was a good day. :)
  • Mate, I can't test this until later but if it works as you say it does I'll buy you a beer!
    If it works in Safari I'll buy you some peanuts as well!
  • That's great! How many tasty beverages am I in for if I also tell you that gen 44,45, 63 and 64 orient the padding and border fields on the insert image dialog? :) #yui-gen44 {text-indent:0px;} #yui-gen45 {text-indent:0px;} #yui-gen63 {text-indent:0px;} #yui-gen64 {text-indent:0px;} 44 and 45 are for when it first comes up, and for some reason you need 63 and 64 for after you've uploaded a picture but haven't made changes on the dialog yet.
  • So do I understand correctly, before I put the beer in the fridge for you, adding these lines to the vanilla.css file will over-ride those in skin.css?
  • OK, that fixed the visual glitches, great, now how do we get it to actually post the beautifully styled comments?

    Posted: Wednesday, 21 November 2007 at 7:33PM

  • this has become a pain just like fckeditor.
  • The version I used is the same one I downloaded from here, with only those lines changed. I can edit easily using Firefox, and the output looks good in both Firefox and IE. What I've decided to do is, since I already have a forum (phpBB) I'm using Vanilla to just produce separate, full-length articles by myself. It's very well suited for generating site content. I've removed from all member roles the ability to start new discussions, because, honestly, fellas, you could give some (most?) forum members the most sophisticated layout and design tools ever invented, and the articles they post are still going to come up sounding like, "OMGWTFBBW!!!!! pwned! im a n00b! l33t lolz @ m3!" I have to accept that this is a Beta version, and that Yahoo! is doing a great job with it. With Firefox it works great, and with IE I could hardly get it to function at all, because it kept loading the whole interface after every click. But the output looks wonderful! ...and I still don't get no fine Australian beers... :sigh:
  • BeerYou've earned a few peanuts mate, but I'll
    still buy you a beer for your efforts so far!

    Posted: Thursday, 22 November 2007 at 6:14AM

  • Thanks for your`s fantastic work with this editor. I was waiting for it too. All seems to be ok, but I have one small problem with YUI. Under Opera 9.24, Firefox and IE 7, YUI working very well. But under IE 6, YUI is very slow and nearly blocking IE during edition of the message (comment) in editor window. Anyone have this problem too?
  • Apparently I've messed up my "discussion_form.php" file because when I click to start a new discussion I get- Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting ',' or ';' in \discussion_form.php on line 60 Now I'm stuck... Below is the script from line 60 on. How do I fix this?? echo '<div class="Submit"> <input type="submit" name="btnSave" value="'.$this->Context->GetDefinition(($Discussion->DiscussionID > 0) ? 'SaveYourChanges' : 'StartYourDiscussion').'" class="Button SubmitButton StartDiscussionButton" onclick="' ."YUIwriteBack();'."Wait(this,'".$this->Context->GetDefinition('Wait')."');" .'"/>'; $this->CallDelegate('DiscussionForm_PostSubmitRender'); echo '<a href="'.(!$this->IsPostBack?'javascript:history.back();':'./').'" class="CancelButton">'.$this->Context->GetDefinition('Cancel').'</a> </div>'; $this->CallDelegate('DiscussionForm_PostButtonsRender'); echo'</form> </fieldset> </div>'; ?>
  • The only has a gif file. Should this suppose to be?
  • YahooUI Text Editor # 5

    It's too big for the Add-On directory here.
  • Nice website with

    I have a question, does this extension include the latest YUI Text Editor?

    Additionally, how does this work with the following extensions: Dojo Files, Attachments 2.1 & Inline Images 1.3
  • No, it's not the latest version of YUI Text Editor. I need to do that upgrade and testing but it's low on the priority list so it will probably not come soon. I've not done any testing with those extensions, either, so the most I could say is that it wasn't designed to support other extensions that embed media in to the text presentation. I'd suggest looking in to the YUI plugins as someone's already written an image uploader, for example.
  • I really want to use this editor, but whenever I enable YahooUI and try to post, it tells me the discussion can't be found. Any ideas? Disabling it, and/or enabling another editor allows me to post! *edit* Nevermind.. I had edited the comment form, but not the discussion form.. so it'd show the YahooUI editor but wouldn't post. *further edit* This does in fact worth w/ Dojo Files, Inline Images, and Multiple Uploads/Attachments... although I can't get quotes to work! Looks like I gotta add some hacking!
  • Let us know what hacks you have to do?

    I've been debating between a couple of the HTML editors. I basically only want Strong, Blockquote, Italic, Hyperlinks, and maybe images.
  • I eventually went with TinyMCE. Quick, nice to work with, and does everything I want. YahooUI text editor is nice, but it's too broken on install.
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