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    hmmm i use windows FF and opera 9.2.3 and all is fine
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    klakier, I wrote in the readme file that not all characters are embedded, just the ones that are needed to display any of the preset words in languages.txt. The reason is size, because the font I used is not a default one on any computer, I need to embed all the characters I use and the more I add the bigger the file gets. fysicsluvr, I have plans for adding customization options to it but right now I don't have the time to work on it. And I thought in the US the army uses 24h format without the separator... at least that's what the movies show. Strange idea not being used to that format, I know I am and I'm not even close to the US :) Totobuvika, I have FF2/FF3/IE5/IE5.5/IE6/IE7/Opera9 installed and it works on all. Maybe it has to do with paths. As I wrote in description, languages.txt needs to be at "extensions/VClock/languages.txt" to work, flash seems to look in site root if it isn't defined where to look. Maybe your Vanilla is not on the root of your site so the path is incorrect because of this.
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    is it possible to have the analog clock with the date displayed at the bottom? (under the clock?)
    Thanks, I would appreciate it! If you have spare time, of course...
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    is it possible to change the timezone ? to server time ?
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