small bug

edited November 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hey i found a small bug... it seems that in some (very few) cases like if you click a role in role managment settings, or to enter something in the clipboard, the foot div appears inside the siteContainer div, but in all other cases it appears outside it. The problem with this is if you have any margin css on the foot div for the few pages that it is inside the sitecontainer the layout messes up. Anyone spotted this before? got a fix for it? Cheers Matt


  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I've seen a few strange bugs like this in the css (anyone see the elusive pagelist bug lately?). These things drive me crazy. If anyone comes up with solutions, please post them.
  • not seen the pagelist bug, and nothing else out of the ordinary using safari.
  • This is not a problem with the css, but that (on certain pages) the div.Foot element appears inside the div.SiteContainer, instead of outside like on most pages.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Ohhhh. Yeah. Sorry, i fixed this a long time ago in the new version and so I haven't seen the bug in a long time. I thought I had fixed it in 0.9.2 as well.
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