free ticketing system

edited November 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Recommendations? I found an awesome looking thing at but it's $30/month which is just too much at the moment.


  • I've seen some free ones out there, not as advanced, but pretty nifty if you can google for them. Else look for something similar at sourceforge.
  • Our guys use a web form front-end on top of Request Tracker, it's pretty solid and does everything they need. We're even using it to deal with a bunch of requests we get from other departments rather than bounce e-mails back and forth. It's free to (think its open source as well) :).
  • edited November 2005
    Too difficult user-interface... too many options... I like easy ticket system :D Just as I like easy forums (do I hear someone say "Vanilla")
  • is good
  • edited November 2005
    Looks much better enderateros... Could have a css upgrade though :D I've used Mantis for a client once... easy setup, but also could have a better interface...
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