Any other actionscripters here???

3stripe3stripe ✭✭
edited November 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I work with Flash pretty much every day at work for websites... any one else using it daily? Seems to be a dying art at the moment what with CSS and HTML being in fashion again... Anyhow just asking as I quite often get stuck and need someone to bounce ideas off! (I'm the only web person in an office of graphic designers)


  • 3stripe3stripe ✭✭
    edited November 2005
    Hmm it seems not :-( Well today I managed to code a dynamic menu which builds itself from an external XML file... dead chuffed!
  • edited November 2005
    Just wanted to let you know that although I don't use it everyday (unfortunately) I do a good deal of Flash application development and I love it. I think it is a fantastic platform with a huge amount of potential. Especially with the introduction of flex and the alpha of the version 8.5 player the possibilities are getting really amazing now. Flash has always had good XML support and it's only getting better. I'd love to see your menu. I built acouple flash MX components that does that way back in the hayday of flash components, lol. Go here: and search for Lee Eason to see the old school AS love. -Lee
  • Hey good stuff Lee... Well, the menu is being redesigned as the layout has changed now, but I'll post it up when I get it working (it uses the xml file from a gallery)
  • Sweet, looking forward to seeing that then.
  • i just opened up flashmx today and started working on a project for myself.
    it's been over a year since i've done anything with it.
    i sat there for a good 20 minutes trying to remember how to make a simple button onRelease work.

    i need a few good tutorials to get me back on track.
  • deel i know the feeling, it's one of those things you can forget very fast... and are usually pretty good for the old tutorials (although colin moock actionscript bible is even better)
  • I used to tinker around with MX, but it's really been a while since I've messed with it so all my knowledge is pretty much rusted on flash. It is a bit of a dying art to some respect, I think macromedia kind of wounded themselves when they jumped from versions 3 to MX in like 2 years, all those developers had to pay for crazy upgrades and I'm sure that hurt them a bit.
  • tell me about it lech... i persuaded the boss to upgrade my copy of flash mx to mx pro 2004.... and less than a year later flash 8 is out.... not good
  • thanks for the links 3stripe.
    i'm an old moock disciple from the flash4 days.
    i also spent alot of time tearing apart praystations fla files back around 2000

    i agree lech,
    i had just got my head around flash4 to the point where i was able to write some fairly complicated actionscript, and then flash5 changed it all, so halfway through trying to adapt to flash5 - 6 or MX comes out and i had wished i had spent the previous 3 years learning javascript.

    this little thing i'm working on is kind of a mini animated movie, or could be described as - "watch deel get stuck down the rabbit hole and tween his way out".
  • ah praystation...... i guess joshua davies was the dan cederholm of the day... i discovered some really tasty tweening prototypes at this week, so have been busy adding some eased slides and glows to the site i'm working on...
  • Everytime you make a tween, god kills a basket full of kittens. But yeah, as soon as Macromedia (now Adobe, I guess) roots down flash, we'll probably see it pick up again. Lately, All I've witnessed it being used for (if not for ads) is movie players, which are fine, but nothing really crazy has been presented in a long long time. I suppose once it's truely 100% accessible we'll see a major comeback. If you're looking at getting back to basics, I suggest
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