System Message



  • Fyorl has been gone for awhile (January/February 08), and I haven't seen iambigred since I've been on the forum (November 07), so you're pretty much left out in the cold on that one!
  • Has anybody discovered the fix for blank messages? So very annoying to have installed what seems to be a great addon for it not to work! Typical Vanilla addons, great ideas but just dont function well across all installations of Vanilla! There should be rules! Or perhaps Mark could host a sandpit which has every extension installed? That way they could all be tested against each other?
  • I guess I should have read this far before I went through the effort of installing SM and trying to make it work. After several hours of grief and no responses to my questions in the Community Forum, I have decided to remove SM from my Forum. I would advise others to do the same. In fact I am about to remove Vanilla and try something else, as I have other issues that are not getting resolved in the Forum as well.
  • its really sad that this exentsion isn't supported anymore. i get that blank message bug too, it's really annoying :(
  • I have installed this extension on Vanilla 1 and am getting the following error on sending a message to users:

    Notice: Undefined variable: Context in /Path/to/public_html/extensions/SystemMessage/admin.class.php on line 258

    Any help with fix is much appreciated.
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