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Direct Menu Sign In



  • I really like this addon, but is it possible to put it in the panel?
  • miquel, you may find Multiple IE useful for testing purposes, just be sure to run it under XP or Server 2003, it's not compatible with Vista. However, I agree that IE5 really shouldn't be coded for any longer. If anything, I fully support not using style sheets of any description for <= IE5.5 - far simpler to let them have a completely unstyled site.
  • for the panel request, I think there is another addon that adds the sign in form in the panel, i don't remember its actual name, but it was something like 'guest sign in'

    stash, I'll try it, but I'm not playing with any windows lately. anyway looks interesting ;)
  • Uploaded version 0.3 of Direct Menu Sign In.
  • Direct menu signin doesnt show the signin button.
  • yes, it's hidden via css. today I've just checked by first hand (first time with IE in months...) that you cannot submit the form with an "enter" so I'll update the information of the extension with the css code to do the submit button visible by default.

    sorry for the inconvenience!

    the fix should be something like editing the style.css provided with the extension, replacing this.Submit { display:none; }for this.Submit { position: relative; top: -20px; } or something similar depending on where you want the button to be in the layout..
  • The continue button is now working fine. I am having a simliar problem with people.php The request membership link is not showing. Can this be a css thing? I am using vanilla with quik_black styles. Can you help me fix it? Thanks
  • with this extension you don't need, at least very commonly, to reach people.php

    btw, if you haven't changed anything on the theme or style, have you checked with firebug (on firefox) or similar to see whether the link is properly built or not?
    if the link is built but it's not visible then css..

    anyway, if you whisper me your url, I can look at it better
  • Uploaded version 0.3 of Direct Menu Sign In.
  • I've reuploaded the file, this time compressed from Windows XP.

    hope it goes ok!
  • Hi,

    thank you for this extension. I have installed it at but have a problem with the 'Proceed' button.

    It is rather large, and pushes the register and forgot password link too far down.

    Please advise

  • sorry for the delay... some time off

    it seems you dumped the extension from your live site. if you still want to use it and need help, just enable it again and notify me so I can take a look directly.
  • I adapted this extension because I wanted login, registration, password requests and logout directly in the page. Maybe other people would like that also, so I'll give the changes I made below. I changed default.php into:
    if (!defined('IN_VANILLA')) exit(); if ($Context->SelfUrl != 'people.php') { if($Context->Session->UserID == 0) { if(isset($Head)) $Head->AddStyleSheet('extensions/DirectMenuSignIn/style.css'); $SignInForm = $Context->ObjectFactory->CreateControl($Context, "SignInForm", "frmSignIn"); $PasswordForm = $Context->ObjectFactory->CreateControl($Context, "PasswordRequestForm", "frmPassword"); $ApplyForm = $Context->ObjectFactory->CreateControl($Context, "ApplyForm", "frmApply"); if($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] != '') $SignInForm->ReturnUrl = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; else $SignInForm->ReturnUrl = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; $Page->AddRenderControl($SignInForm, $Configuration["CONTROL_POSITION_HEAD"] + 1); $Page->AddRenderControl($PasswordForm, $Configuration["CONTROL_POSITION_HEAD"] + 2); $Page->AddRenderControl($ApplyForm, $Configuration["CONTROL_POSITION_HEAD"] + 3); if($Context->SelfUrl == 'index.php') $Context->PageTitle = $Context->GetDefinition('AllDiscussions'); } $LeaveForm = $Context->ObjectFactory->CreateControl($Context, "Leave"); $Page->AddRenderControl($LeaveForm, $Configuration["CONTROL_POSITION_HEAD"] + 1); }
    Then, I changed people_signout_form_validpostback.php into:
    echo '<div class="FormComplete"> <p>'.$this->Context->GetDefinition('SignOutSuccessful').'</p> <p><a href="'.GetUrl($this->Context->Configuration, $this->Context->SelfUrl).'">'.$this->Context->GetDefinition('SignInAgain').'</a>.</p> <script type="text/javascript">window.location.href = "/forum/'. $this->Context->SelfUrl .'"</script> </div>';
    And, at last, the link to logout should be changed from:
    <a href="' . FormatStringForDisplay(AppendUrlParameters( $this->Context->Configuration['SIGNOUT_URL'], 'FormPostBackKey=' . $this->Context->Session->GetCsrfValidationKey() )) . '">'.$this->Context->GetDefinition('SignOut').'</a>
    <a href="' . FormatStringForDisplay(AppendUrlParameters( $this->Context->SelfUrl .'?PostBackAction=SignOutNow', 'FormPostBackKey=' . $this->Context->Session->GetCsrfValidationKey() )) . '">'.$this->Context->GetDefinition('SignOut').'</a>
    The javascript in people_signout_form_validpostback.php does a refresh of the page with the user signed out. If the user doesn't have javascript turned on, there is a link to refresh the page.
  • I'm not as knowledgeable as others with CSS... You can see the current page at Please assist with proper params... Thanks,
  • Nevermind used Guest Sign-In add on. Works like a charm.
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