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Direct Menu Sign In

edited September 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Direct Menu Sign In


  • Uploaded version 0.1 of Direct Menu Sign In.
  • sorry, was missing the readme.txt :(
  • i dunno how i missed this
    this looks pretty cool
    i will check it out
    and let you know how it goes
  • it has a minor styling issue (with me anyway) I am using firefox
    i will post a pic later
    but works pretty good
    pretty cool
  • well i tested almost in firefox, so dunno, let me see the capture ;)
  • No, i have not made any changes. It is the problem with internet explorer. working fine with firefox.
    I also try to change the position of the box through the provided stylesheet but no changes is reflecting.
  • When making changes to CSS be sure to refresh then refresh again.
    CSS code seems to get really deeply cached on most browsers.

    Posted: Monday, 26 May 2008 at 7:27PM

  • which IE version? with IE7 it shows *almost* as in FF and few fixes seem to be required
  • I am using Firefox (Working fine)
    Internet Explorer : 5 (Layout problems for Direct menu signin)
  • explorer 5 is quite old...i don't have access to any :(
    you sure have to use IE 5?
  • Your user can use any browser. It is good that your script, website is configured for most of the browser
  • yes i suppose so, but for browsers 10-years-old?

    anyway, I have no idea how it manages css, it's a bit difficult to help
  • Anyone using IE by choice needs their head read to start with, using version 5 is beyond belief, surely you jest?

    Is your PC pedal powered too?

    Posted: Wednesday, 28 May 2008 at 6:59PM

  • Uploaded version 0.2 of Direct Menu Sign In.
  • I have the friendly URLs activated, and If I try to Log in from a discussion, the system gives me a problems message. I think it is because the login sends you to a comments.php page instead of the friendly URL page you where in the firt place.

    I am not good at all programming so I leave the solution of this to you.

    Thank you
  • that's the closest I've been to a good solution.

    I've been trying with javascript, but I'm not able to populate the ReturnUrl hidden field properly, although I have the proper value (location.href) for it

    I will keep on working on it, but I don't promise anything
    so if anyone more knowledgeable could help, I think it'd be better ;)
  • Thank you for your answer. I don't know how the regular login form does this work, but it seams to work pretty well, so I guess the right way to go, is to copy their method of getting the origin friendly URL and then redirect you back there after you login.

    Thanks for your work

    P.S.: Some users have complained about a problem logging in with IE6 (other user with the same browser have no problem), have you heard anything about it?
  • I'll keep an eye on how the regular people form does the redirection (via a url parameter) and try to work something out of that.

    for the problems with IE6, which kind of problems do they have? Can they log in? They get any error? It's more a graphical issue with the form layout or something? With more info I'll be able to give you a more accurate answer (I hope :P)

    Someone mentioned above styling issues in IE5, but AFAIK nothing else.
  • no submit button?

    "enter" doesnt work on IE?
  • I never use neither the submit button in a form nor IE, sorry :P

    just make the button visible removing the line in the css and place it wherever you like most
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