
edited June 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help


  • Uploaded version 0.2 of WordPressFullName.
  • what happens if the user updates their full name via the vanilla admin interface? (i'm still on wp 2.2.3 so i haven't tried this extension yet - i'm just curious)
  • Hi Circuit,

    I believe you would need the latest version of WordPress for this to work. But to answer your question:

    Nothing at this point. The extension is intended to make WordPress' display_name appear in place of any FullName info that Vanilla would store. It is probably a better idea, though, to redirect the user to the WordPress profile editor page instead of using Vanilla's profile editor page. An automatic redirect is probably out of the scope of this extension, since redirecting pages would be difficult to do as part of an extension to my knowledge.

    In reference to a similar solution, we are currently redirecting Vanilla's people.php to the WordPress login screen using the following code.

    if((isset($_REQUEST['PostBackAction']) && $_REQUEST['PostBackAction']=='SignOutNow')) {
    header('Location: ../wp-login.php?action=logout');
    if((isset($_REQUEST['ReturnUrl']) && $_REQUEST['ReturnUrl'])) {
    header('Location: ../wp-admin');

    Explanation of Code:

    The first 'if' checks to see if we are signing out. If so, it redirects the user to wordpress' logout action.

    The second 'if' checks to see if we are logging in. If so, it redirects th euser to wordpress' login page. It is interesting to note that an 'else' is not appropriate after the first if because there appear to be cases where people.php is called other than just login and logout.

    This code is placed at the top of people.php in our Vanilla 1.1.4 and works wonderfully for avoiding use of the Vanilla login page. This is especially important in our case, since we are using the WordPress LDAP authentication extension. To my knowledge, Vanilla doesn't have LDAP authentication yet, so this redirect is necessary.
  • Does this extension work with Wordpress 2.7? I've enabled the extention and the theme you've devloped but the Vanilla username is still showing up everywhere instead of the wordpress display_name.
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