
edited February 2009 in Vanilla 1.0 Help


  • This is great Spode, though I didn't test your code yet. Sorry for not being able to help more, I'm quite busy at the moment.
  • That's fine - I realised as much, which is why I forked it in the end. I felt it was best. Seems to be working fine for me. Also fixed an issue that Feed Publisher had where BBCode wasn't processed on the ATOM feeds too!
  • Great extension Spode, and many thanks for the work.

    I'm having a few strange problems with the default install. My "All Discussion Feeds" link serves up feeds in reverse chronological order, beginning with the first post ever on my forum in 2006. Also, when I subscribe to a specific "Discussion Feed" I seem to be getting feeds from various discussions, not limited only to the discussion for which I'm subscribing. Any ideas why this could be happening? I've uninstalled and reinstalled several times.

    I have a reasonably large forum that has been running for about two years now. The extension is currently running on the forum at http://www.micsem.org/forum/. Any suggestions would be most appreciated.

    Thanks in advance for your help.
  • Hi patsjv - that sounds like the sort of thing >I< have screwed up on rather than you. I'll take a look at the code soon (perhaps today). I need to finish another project off first.

    Drop me an e-mail and perhaps you could test the code before I release it to make sure the bug is fixed.
  • Happy to help test, Spode, but can't figure out an email address to contact you.
  • spode@thinkabouttech.com
  • Strangely I can't add feeds generated by your extension to Google Reader. But they work fine as Live Bookmarks in Firefox...
  • That *is* odd. I haven't changed anything with the Feed Generation particularly. Does it give any reasons?
  • I had problems when leaving $ft_conf[ 'EXIT_AFTER_FEED' ] = true;the browser returned an XML parser error like this
    Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us
    which disappeared turning it to false.

    anyway, great addon!

    btw, I can add my feeds to google reader.

    [edit] however the feed is not being updated when I post new comments :( i don't know much about rss syndication, but does it have any refresh rate or whatever?
    [edit2] the new comment arrived to the rss reader few minutes later.
    [edit 3] the update manager points out that there is an error with the version number (v 1.00 in the add-ons site, v 1.0.0 in the extension's default.php)
  • Thanks Miquel - I'll look into all those issues! This is my top priority - I'm just very busy right now :)
  • Can it work with closed forum? When I subscribe in NetNewsWire, it kept refusing to accept my username/password.
  • ?When using the feed, the post is listing start form oldest to newer. How to change to make it to list the newest or latest post on top ?
  • These are both issues I'll be looking at very soon.
  • Uploaded version 1.01 of FeedThis.
  • Ok chaps - this should fix all the issues above. The only one I couldn't isolate was:

    "Also, when I subscribe to a specific "Discussion Feed" I seem to be getting feeds from various discussions"

    This could be something to do with the URLs being built wrong or even the order making it seem that way. But the other thing it could be - is I've just been trying this in Google Reader and it doesn't seem to want to take the overly long and complex urls. I think GR expects more /myrssfeed.xml or something. If you're only running one RSS Feed, you can easily do this with a PHP include and forcing the .xml file to be pre-processed.

    Anyways - I've tested this on my sites and seems to be ok - let me know if it fixes everything.
  • URLs created by this extension looks like: http://mysite.com/discussion/123/
    I think it is a SEO bug, because it create duplicate content with my original URL to post
    Google index both of them.

    Is there any chance to have full URLs with titles in feeds (http://mysite.com/discussion/123/some-topic-title/) ?
    I was trying all feeds extensions, but all of them display similar URLs.
  • Good point. I imagine that is fixable - I shall look into it :)
  • Hey Spode, i love your extensions! Can you tell me if there is a way to use your extension to generate the feeds but to publish in the site a feedburner link? Do you understand what i mean? Thanks
  • Hi bochenn - not at the moment. But I do need to look into FeedBurner at some point, so I'll try and add support.
  • I'm having some problems with this plugin. The RSS and ATOM feeds generated by it only works in Opera RSS. I also tried Evolution (Linux e-mail client), Thunderbird ( on Linux) and the basic feed reader in Wordpress 2.7(I wanted to connect the forum feed with my blog) and it just doesn't work. So I tried http://www.michaelpshipley.com/demos/feed-analyzer/ and the only thing it gave me was this Effective Feed URL:[my site address]/search.php?PostBackAction=Search&Type=Topics&Page=1&Feed=RSS2&FeedTitle=All+Discussions+Feed Description: none Copyright: none Image: none Latitude/Longitude: none Dates: FavIcon: no favicon found Title: redakcyjne vivee - All Discussions Feed Link: [my site address] Feed Type: RSS Language: none Encoding: UTF-8 Author: none Number of items: 0 Do posts have excerpts? Could you do something about it? I would be very greatful. greetings Maciek Palmowski
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