
edited December 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help


  • Thanks for the extension, I am planning on using it to build a side bar "menu" for my forum.

    I took a look at the default.php file in a word editor, but how do I make the link open in the same window as opposed to a new window?

    And also, how do I add more than one link?
  • To make it open in the same window change...




    Be careful with the quotes.

    As for your other question, it's answered inside the PHP file...

    /* Type the page name in quotes. For multiple pages seperate them with a comma as shown. To have your side bar on all pages delete this entire section (Everything between the top and bottom lines of ~~) (leave the ~~) */
  • Thanks bro!
  • Does this work with 1.1.2?
  • Uploaded version 1.0.1 of CustomSideBarLink.
  • It's still not clear to me how I go about adding more than one link
  • I agree, it's not that pretty of an extension :P

    Notice in default.php there are tags "BEGIN LINK" and "END LINK" both of which in case code.
    Just copy from "BEGIN LINK" with all the code to "END LINK"

    For instance, you would be copying:

    /* BEGIN LINK */


    /* END LINK */

    Once you select all that go down after END LINK a few spaces and paste it, then edit it like you would the first link. You will also add a 2 following both of the "TITLE" and "LINK" texts in the body of your 2nd link. And do the same for your 3rd and 4th links.

    This is all explained in the 1.0.2 update

    Hope this help, if there are any other q's or issues let me know :)
    And Again, sorry for the confusing editing :)
  • Uploaded version 1.0.2 of CustomSideBarLink.
  • Thanks for the clarification Dayne. Wouldn't this create a new title AND a new link? I'm trying to have one "title" with multiple "links" under that one title, kind of like a menu.
  • Uploaded version 1.5 of CustomSideBarLink.
  • Raize, Version 1.5 has been uploaded. I hope this helps! Sorry about the confusion you have gone through!
  • Hallelujah! It's a lot simpler to use now Dayne, thanks for taking the time to make the extension AND the how to guide. I didn't even realize how much I needed this until I installed it lol

    For other rookies who install this, keep in mind that there is two of "LINK#" that you have to change for each link.
  • Daynneeee I can't log into my forum anymore!

    Notice: Undefined variable: Panel in /mnt/w0308/d17/s41/b0277ee6/www/bhangratune/extensions/CustomSideBarLink/default.php on line 20 Fatal error: Call to a member function AddList() on a non-object in /mnt/w0308/d17/s41/b0277ee6/www/bhangratune/extensions/CustomSideBarLink/default.php on line 20
  • Ok, I understand what's going on. I will try to fix it all in a new update. In the mean time I will show you how to manually turn off the extension.

    Step One: Open your FTP program and load your forum.
    Step Two: Open the folder "conf"
    Step Three: Download the file "extensions.php"
    Step Four: Open that file in NotePad or WordPad
    Step Five: Search for and find this line of code:
    Step Six: Delete that line entirely, leaving no space.
    Step Seven: Delete the "CustomSideBarLink" folder from your extensions folder

    After all this the extensions has been completely erased and you should now be able to log in.

    I will have a fix for this issue in version 1.5.1 coming out shortly.

    I'm glad the guide worked for you and im sorry about this minor inconvenience.
  • Uploaded version 1.5.1 of CustomSideBarLink.
  • Thanks a lot Dayne, I didn't bother disabling the extension because I knew you'd be on top of it. I'll test 1.5.1 in just a moment, I have a feeling it'll work like a breeze. And Thanks for all the help! You don't need to apologize for anything, this is generally how the open source development process works :)
  • I'm glad its working and I'm glad you enjoy the extension!
  • I've got Raize's opposite problem, I can't log out! :D and it throws the same error... anyway, thanks for the extension, it's really handy ;)
  • Perfecto, the extension is working awesome on 1.1.5a

    I can login and logout...Ernesto, uninstall the extension and try doing a fresh install by using the newest version.
  • Uploaded version 1.5.2 of CustomSideBarLink.
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