Category Hider

edited November 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Category Hider


  • Mate it says "Requires Vanilla 1.1.4"

    If I use the code snippet version will it work with 1.1.2?

    I don't mind editing the code.
  • If you've already edited 1.1.2 to work with Chronological, then it will work for this. They both use the same delegate.

    You will need to upload 1.1.4 (or possibly later) versions of
    /library/Vanilla/Vanilla.Control.CategoryForm.php and
  • OK it worked without uploading any later versions of those files.

    It still however, lists the category title that I wanted to hide, although the topics are hidden.

    Is this how it's supposed to work?
  • Yes, that's how it works Wanderer
  • I've edited the description to make that a little more clear.
  • Ok, I am missing something here. I am using the latest version of this plugin (2.0) and Vanilla 1.1.5a with the default theme. I have activated the extension but can't seem to find this checkbox I am suppose to see when I edit a category. Can someone give me some idea where to look for the checkbox or any info on getting it to work? TIA Dan
  • It should be on the edit category page, just below where you can check the 'roles which can take part in this category' options.

    If you see just the role and the save button instead of the hide option like in this picture then you have some old Vanilla files that need to be replaced with the ones listed a couple comments above.
  • Ok WallPhone thanks!

    I do not have that checkbox in my edit category list.

    I think you mean these:

    You will need to upload 1.1.4 (or possibly later) versions of
    /library/Vanilla/Vanilla.Control.CategoryForm.php and

    I am running 1.1.5 so it is ok to click on these links and download and replace the later 1.1.5 versions with the 1.1.4 versions supplied in those links to get it to work?

  • Those links now point to 1.1.6 Vanilla, but there have only been minor changes in them.

    The only changes since 1.1.4 were on unrelated code in Framework.Functions.php, so I'm not quite sure why it would not be working, unless you had some older file or theme than 1.1.4 that was not completely upgraded to 1.1.5.

    I will double check with a brand new 1.1.5 install to make sure it works.
    Works fine on 1.1.5a.
    Specifically, you go to settings tab, categories in the panel, then edit on the category you wish to block, and find the checkbox at the bottom of the page.

    Another thing you can try is add this line to conf/settings.php:
    $Configuration['HiddenCategories'] = '2';
    where the 2 is the category ID you wish to block (can be found in the categories' URL, and multiples can be blocked with commas, like: '1,2,4';)
  • Ok WallPhone, Maybe I have some sort of plugin conflict. This is a totally new install of 1.1.5, I never ran forum software before. I will do some other testing. I have become a plugin junkie and I will have to trim some of them down and see if the hider starts working. Here is how my category screen appears: If I can't get it to work I will try your workaround for editing the conf/settings.php file. If it is working for you in 1.1.5 and it is a new install here it almost has to be some sort of extension conflict. Thanks again, Dan
  • Looks like it might be multi-roles or some other permissions extension.

    Category hider will likely work fine with both extensions on, it just appears the showing of the checkbox won't work. All that the checkbox does is updates that config file line, so you can probably get by without it.
  • Bingo! Turning off multi-roles did the trick! Actually, no loss since I couldn't get multi-roles to work either. Now if I can get Preview Post to work I should be all set. Thanks WallPhone for the help and getting this solved. Dan
  • Are the topics supposed to be returned in a search?
  • Can the topics be hidden all together from other extensions (Latest discussions, tag cloud) so that the only way to view them is by navigating directly to them or via search?
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