Firefox memory

edited December 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
So i notice that if opera crashes, when you open it back up it re-opens all the tabs you had open. Is there a way to make firefox do this? I just about slit my wrists every time the fucker dies cause it's impossible to remember all the stuff i had open even though most of it is important :(


  • you can download tabmix plus... it has a sessionsaver... or download sessionsaver :P They are both extensions.
  • how ironic that to install the thing to make it remember what i had open i have to close the thing. Thanks though :)
  • session saver is an awesome extension. you can set it up so that it auto opens tabs everytime you start firefox.
  • One word of caution though... while debugging a flash movie I accidentally had it spawn a window to a page on a loop. It would endlessly open new firefox windows. I had to use task manager to close firefox. I thought to myself, "whew, that was close. Almost crashed my computer there!" Then I opened Firefox back up and session saver politely reloaded the page with the screwed up flash movie... So word to the wise - Be careful what you have open when you shut down firefox because Session saver will reload it every time.
  • haha. that's funny, though.
  • It's probably best to not use the automatic page-load at start feature, while it is handy, it can be more trouble than it's worth. Calling lost sessions from the file menu is much better :)
  • edited November 2005
    Launching in safe mode is a good alternative at home. At work, right, you don't want anybody to see on which site you were surfing, in case your (EDIT: Windows, Mac, Linux) session stays opened :-D
  • Fucksakes. ff just crashed and i didnt quite realise this thing restored my 'last' session - which in this case was a blank window. ugh.
  • yeah, in that case, mini, you may wish to stick to one window browsing instead of your usual 2+ as if one crashes, they all do and typically the last one open gets recorded and what-not. and 50% of the time I'm willing to bet nothing is loaded in that last instance.
  • the snap-back-tab function is also excellent for those "awww sh*te i closed it by mistake" moments.
  • heh. just crashed again. Seems i got sessionsaver to save all 3 open windows. neato.
  • I just want to add at this point that sessionsaver is an absolute godsend. Much love to those who suggested it.
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