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Twitter Feed
Twitter Feed
Let me know what you think or what else you would like it to do
your now able to choose how many tweets you want to show, 1 - 10, if less than 1, it shows 5(default) if more than 10 it shows 10.
Warning: file_get_contents() [function.file-get-contents]: URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration in /path/to/forum/extensions/Twitter/default.php on line 52 Warning: file_get_contents( [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in /path/to/forum/extensions/Twitter/default.php on line 52 Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /path/to/forum/extensions/Twitter/xml2array.class.php on line 86
Yes it is a valid Twitter account!
Looks like I'll have to revert to other widgets that don't require this setting.
Thanks anyway.
You should use CURL and the available API to fetch the JSON-based content.
You can then use json_decode() to drop it into a standard array and drop a little foreach/while magic on it.
Much easier than doing a file_get_contents on the XML feed. Not mentioning that fact that most people won't enable allow_url_fopen since it's a horrendously unsafe "feature".
If I can figure out the Vanilla methodology, I'll make the change and toss a patch/diff to you.
$tweets = "";
$tw = curl_init();
curl_setopt($tw, CURLOPT_URL, $tweets);
$twi = curl_exec($tw);
No, I don't tweet very often.
iv created a better way of doing it and will release the recode soon! thanks for the suggestions though.
consumer key - consumer secret - user auth key - user auth secret, what is this?
the user of foro can see your post from twitter every one?
any ideas how I go about turning @usernames or #tags into links automatically?