Anonymize URLs

edited November 2009 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Anonymize URLs


  • Just installed. Nothing happened at all. Links are unprefixed as before.
  • Hey,

    I just tried it with the newest version and it works for me. You could try the following:

    1. Check if Javascript is enabled
    2. Change the Prefix at "/garden/plugin/anonymizeurls"?
    3. Check that "/plugin/getanonprefix" returns something like "{"prefix":"http:\/\/\/?"}"
    4. Debug the Ajax-Call to "/plugin/getanonprefix" with Firebug (
  • blizeHblizeH ✭✭
    Great extension, but unfortunately on the RC1 of Vanilla it breaks the 'Write Comment', 'Preview' and 'Save Draft' buttons are all broken
  • blizeHblizeH ✭✭
    I'm wondering is there a way to make it so it only effects comments, instead of the whole page?
  • blizeHblizeH ✭✭
    Changing line 24 to this seems to work:

    $(".Message a:external").attr("href", function () {

    Not sure if that's the best way around it though!
  • sir my settings url for this plugin is not working...
    i have downloaded vanilla 2 and is currently running at
    please update with the required easy idea as i dont know much codes to my email ( if possible at urgent) as soon as possible.
    my website url is

  • Breaks with this in
    Fatal error: Call to undefined function Translate() in /home/k0nsl/public_html/forums/plugins/AnonymizeURLs/default.php on line 43


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