@iamkeir - Your database is missing a field that was added recently. You can make sure it adds it by signing in with whatever user has UserID 1 (the user created when the forum was installed the first time), and visiting these pages:
Thanks @mark, I'll look into that. I realised I can tell the version of my install from the error page... but is there anywhere else I can find it out in future?
By the way, I've used vanilla for many years and just recently been rolling out garden for my community and, even though it's still in dev/beta, there is very, very good feedback. I hope you realise that vanilla really stands out in the forum arena. Thank you for all your hard work over the years
@mark - signed in as UserID 1 and visited those links. Received database update messages but error still occurs... perhaps I need to download the latest version of the forum to be safe?
On those pages, underneath the update messages, you need to click a link to implement the changes (it's something like "click here to apply these changes").
To be honest, I do not remember there being any links on each page you gave me - just a confirmation message. I'm going to download latest copy and reinstall - see if that fixes it.
Hi Mark, Today, I downloaded the vanilla 2 and theme vanillaforum.org theme too, but my forum doesn't have look like original, and search box is missing as well. Any suggestions? Thank you. Etchbee
We've done some upgrades to the VF.org theme to work with the latest version of Vanilla in master. But, this site hasn't been upgraded yet - so the search bar is gone, and the core stuff is a *little* bit different in this version of the addon. It will get updated again once we've got the Vanilla 2 release candidate out (that's our goal right now).
What page do you get that error on, and what is the entire error?
Fatal Error in PHP.ErrorHandler();
Undefined property: stdClass::$CountUnreadConversations
The error occurred on or near: /new.bristolunibreakdance.com/themes/public_vforg/views/default.master.php
29: $CountUnreadConversations = $Session->User->CountUnreadConversations;
[/new.bristolunibreakdance.com/library/core/functions.error.php:132] PHP::include();
[/new.bristolunibreakdance.com/themes/public_vforg/views/default.master.php:29] PHP::ErrorHandler();
[/new.bristolunibreakdance.com/library/core/class.controller.php:988] PHP::include();
[/new.bristolunibreakdance.com/library/core/class.controller.php:775] Gdn_Controller->RenderMaster();
[/new.bristolunibreakdance.com/library/core/class.pluggable.php:192] Gdn_Controller->xRender();
[/new.bristolunibreakdance.com/library/core/class.pluggable.php:192] Gdn_Pluggable->__call();
[/new.bristolunibreakdance.com/applications/vanilla/controllers/discussions.php:85] DiscussionsController->Render();
[/new.bristolunibreakdance.com/library/core/class.dispatcher.php:227] DiscussionsController->Index();
[/new.bristolunibreakdance.com/index.php:41] Gdn_Dispatcher->Dispatch();
Additional information for support personnel:
Application: Garden
Application Version: 1.0
PHP Version: 5.2.11
By the way, I've used vanilla for many years and just recently been rolling out garden for my community and, even though it's still in dev/beta, there is very, very good feedback. I hope you realise that vanilla really stands out in the forum arena. Thank you for all your hard work over the years
Thanks for the kudos!
It's not a *massive* issue for me to be honest, but just making sure I'm reporting problems.
Today, I downloaded the vanilla 2 and theme vanillaforum.org theme too, but my forum doesn't have look like original, and search box is missing as well.
Any suggestions?
Thank you.