
edited May 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8


  • Works fine! Thank you!
  • Hmm works fine up until it needs to be displayed on the posts, then you get an error (latest version of V2, rc1)...
  • @oinkfu I will try and fix for the RC now, as its been released now :)
  • @garymardell Have you got around to fixing this yet?

  • lucluc ✭✭
    Not sure if it's really worth fixing. Since RC1 was released, many many commits were done.
  • @becool It should now work.

    @luc It wasn't too bad to fix, although i think before all the comments included the post itself counted as comments, now the post is a discussion. So i have to get the signature in both models.
  • Thanks!
  • @becool There is one more thing sorry, you will need to update to address a security concern. The output of a signature is now formatted with the htmlpurifier to prevent malicious javascript in signature for example. I urge you to upgrade or change line 36 of defaul.php to

    <?php echo Gdn_Format::Html($Comment->Signature); ?>
  • thanks will do!
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