@S plz, really can you explain what does this plugin do? I have read description for few times, but still not sure whats that all about. why do i need this plugin?
Smart Localization can re-translate any code depends on the application/controller/method. For example, "Discussions", but if you want translate "Discussions" as "Forum" but not for all pages, how you can do that. Smart Localization can do it.
See distinctions.php~example, rename it to distinctions.php $Definition['DashboardProfile']['Discussions'] = 'Forum'; // translates "Discussions" as "Forum" at profile page only. You can put distinctions.php near definitions.php in locale directory for application or plugin.
In most cases you dont need this. Probably will be useful for east-european languages which have many cases, forms, etc.
Note that used old style file structure definitions. I'm going to rewrite it according to new locale requirements, but dont know when it happens.
why do i need this plugin?
Copy/paste from my inbox:
Note that used old style file structure definitions.
I'm going to rewrite it according to new locale requirements, but dont know when it happens.