edited April 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8


  • RC1 tweak: if the formatting toolbar buttons have a text overlayed, add this line to the top of jquery.wysiwyg.css:

    div.wysiwyg ul.panel li a {overflow:hidden; text-indent: 100px !important;}
  • With some minor tweaks for plugin implementation in RC1, this addon works well for posting New Discussion or new comment. But, the "Edit" function in comment (in reply to someone else post) does not show the editor or the textbox. Is it again a css issue? Any idea on how to fix this issue?

    I saw that class.postcontroller.php and some other class.*.php still seems to initialize a call to vanilla.css in RC1 (even though everything is merged into style.css now).
  • jozee,

    I fixed this problem by adding

    div.Popup textarea#Form_Body { position:inherit; overflow:auto; top:auto; }

    Below Line 3 of jquery.wysiwyg.css

    It removes the WYSIWYG for editing, but at least it doesn't break your site.

  • @jozee: I think the problem is that because the 'Edit' textarea is inserted using Ajax, the jwysiwyg script doesn't get called to convert it to a wysiwyg textarea. jwysiwyg only converts textareas that are visible on page load.

    @daftspunk idea is a good interim step, but we'll have to figure out how to get jqysiwyg to convert ajax-inserted textareas.

    Anyone have any ideas?
  • @rak Yes, I do have another request:

    Replace Line 34 & 35 in "default.php" with:
    This ensures that the Plugin also works when using a different Root directory than simply "/" (f.eg. my forum runs under /forum/).

  • Sorry, something went wrong with the formatting. Here are the Code lines again:

  • ???

    $Sender->Head->AddString(' < script src="'.DS.Gdn::Config("Garden.WebRoot").'plugins/jwysiwyg/jquery.wysiwyg.min.js" type="text/javascript" > < /script >');
    $Sender->Head->AddString(' < link rel="stylesheet" href="'.DS.Gdn::Config("Garden.WebRoot").'plugins/jwysiwyg/jquery.wysiwyg.css" type="text/css" / >');

    --> remove the spaces next to < and >
  • One more thing @rak: when I post a text with the JQYSIWYG-Plugin enabled, the Text in the Textbox is not being cleared after posting. Would be nice if you fix this.
  • I can't find the HTMLPurifier plugin, does anyone have a copy I can use?
  • @joshdj: Its already installed in rc1
  • I installed and enabled this plugin and . . . Nothing Happened. What's the deal?
  • Ok, having a small issue. It seems as though the width is being hardcoded outside of CSS to 651 pixels. This makes my site look funny, but there is no way to overwrite it.


    You can see it here...at the bottom you can see the 651.

  • On line 13 of jquery.wysiwyg.css you've got: div.wysiwyg ul.panel li a {text-indent:-5000px ...}

    That doesn't work well on some themes, especially if you've got the comment box floating right.

    I'd propose removing the text-indent and just setting: font-size:0. That worked like a charm on my site.

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