
edited June 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8


  • I'd really like to use this but it provided a fatal error when opening a post. It also seems to slow Vanilla down significantly. The error (on Firefox) reads:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function includejquery() in /home/harbeorg/public_html/solong/extensions/ImageResizer/default.php on line 14

    Hope that helps!

  • You need to have the jquery extension installed.
  • Doesn't work for me :/
    Now Error Messages. Simply doesn't work.
  • Without any actual information I can't really help you. Browser, javascript warnings/errors, other plugins that might conflict.
  • oh, i meant "no" error messages.
    yes, assumedly other plugins cause it.
    im no coder so i cant give you a hint, but here's a list of extensions that i use:

    Account Pictures 1.2
    AjaxQuote 1.0
    Category Jumper 1.0
    Comment Removal 2.1.2
    Forced BBCode 0.1.0
    JQmedia 0.6.3
    JQuery v15-1.2.6
    LiveSearch 1.1
    MembersList 1.3
    Panel Lists 1.2
    Poll 1.3
    ShoutBox - tagbox powered 0.9
    Vanillacons 1.3
    Who's Online 1.2

  • It could be the very old version of jQuery, I know at least some of the functionality in my plugin requires at least jQuery 1.3.x. Try upgrading to the latest.
  • Yes, works with the latest version, thanks.
    Unfortunately JQMedia doesn't work with it. :(
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