Quote Selection

edited July 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Quote Selection


  • When a User is not logged in and selects some text in a discussion, the Quote-Button is being displayed. You should exclude it by checking if a User is logged in or not.

    Anyway, in my Vanilla 2 (RC2) forum, the plugin does not work.
    The Quote-Button is properly displayed after selecting some text, but it won't add anything to the Comment-textfield. Tested with Safari 5 and Firefox 3.0 - no luck with both of them.
  • Updated plugin to version 0.3, now it starts only for registered users.

    Could not reproduce your issue, tested in both FF 3.0 and Safari 5 (tested in Windows XP). Maybe you could provide link to live example where this plugin is not working?
  • @TiGR I might have found the problem. When I click the Quote-button, a JavaScript Error is thrown to the JS-console. It looks like it cannot build the "url"-variable based on the meta.find() command on line 22:

    JavaScript Error when executing the Quote Selection-Plugin in Vanilla 2
  • Image is not showing up.
  • D'oh!

    Fixed that, uploaded new version. Thanks for report.
  • @TiGR Awesome, works now for me too!
  • @TiGR do you use russian localization on your forum? is it RC2?
  • Yes, I did that myself, and localization is only partial.
  • Not a huge deal, but you may want to note that your lies directly under the similar button provided by Stickr. This issue was fixed for my by simply moving the button in the css file.

    I should also note that I had to add a high z-index value to the css, as some other plugins (signature in particular) overlapped the button.

    Other than that, great job, and great idea, keep the innovations coming to vanilla and garden.

    Soon Vanilla will make PHPBB look like windows 95 :D
  • @TiGR could you please correct your readme file to match current vanilla's state (localization possibilities mentioned in your readme file)
  • @TiGR it works a bit wrong for me
    it says "qsQuote" on the button and "qsQuoteText:" in the message
    its default installation, i havent edit the files yet
    and after editing - still nothing, it doesnt change it to my localization
  • @lukoie Well, qsQuote and qsQuoteText are internal values. readme.txt has correct info.

    Correct place to add defenitions is applications/vanilla/locale//definitions.php

    And what plugin/vanilla version are you using?
  • New version uploaded. Main feature of 0.5 is automatic translation of comments links to comments that are there on page, so that user can jump to there comments withoud page reload.
  • After first installing this, I couldn't figure out why it wouldn't work. I looked at the JS code and noticed that, when checking which InputFormatter is used, it's sensitive to first-word capitalization. Instead of 'Markdown', I used 'markdown' in my config.php.

    So, if your installation isn't working, make sure you change your InputFormatter to the correct case!
  • New release uploaded, bugs mentioned by @DylanH and @zodiacdm fixed. Also, links replacing happens also for comments added to page with More Pager and on new post.
  • TimTim Vanilla Staff
    Plugin Approved.

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter, About.me]

  • Thank you.
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