[Twitter Feeds Addon] Twitter Feeds

oliverraduneroliverraduner ✭✭
edited February 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Twitter Feeds


  • get this error:
    Fatal error: Call to undefined method Gdn_Format::Links() in C:\wamp\www\forums\plugins\TwitterFeeds\default.php on line 101
  • @niagi What Version of Vanilla are you using?
    On which page is the error? (all pages, profile page,...)

  • its on the profile page after i enter twitter name, and im using vanilla 2 rc2
  • everything else works, just not the profile pages with a twitter name entered, if i go into the db and remove it everything works again
  • @niagi I cannot reproduce this at the moment.

    Can you check that you have the following function in the file /library/core/class.format.php
    public static function Links($Mixed)
  • no, that doesnt seem to be there, so i guess that would be the reason why i get that error
  • Ok, added that function from the github repository and works just fine after that.. ty, apparently the version i downloaded didnt have that :s (vanillaforums-Garden-Vanilla_2.0_rc2-0-gafb82d3.zip)
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